Whole note

Figure 1. A whole note and a whole rest.
Whole note Half note Quarter note Eighth note Sixteenth note Thirty-second note
Comparison of duple note values (whole note = 2×half note, etc.).

In music, a whole note (American) or semibreve (British) is a note represented by a hollow oval note head, like a half note (or minim), and no note stem (see Figure 1). Its length is equal to four beats in 4/4 time. Most other notes are fractions of the whole note; half notes are played for one half the duration of the whole note, quarter notes (or crotchets) are each played for one quarter the duration, etc.

A whole note lasts half as long as a double whole note (or breve—hence the British name, semibreve), and twice as long as a half note, or minim. The symbol is first found in music notation from the late thirteenth century (Morehen and Rastall 2001).

A related symbol is the whole rest (or semibreve rest), which usually denotes a silence for the same duration. Whole rests are drawn as filled-in rectangles hanging under the second line from the top of a musical staff.

Other lengths

The whole note and whole rest may also be used in music of free rhythm, such as Anglican chant, to denote a whole measure, irrespective of the time of that measure. The whole rest can be used this way in almost all or all forms of music.


The whole note derives from the semibrevis of mensural notation, and this is the origin of the British name. The American name is a calque of the German ganze Note.

The names of this note (and rest) in different languages vary greatly:

Language note name rest name
Catalan rodona silenci de rodona
Arabic البيضاء سكتة البيضاء
Estonian täisnoot täispaus
Chinese (中文) 全音符 全休止符
Danish helnode helnodepause
Dutch hele noot hele rust
French ronde pause
German ganze Note ganze Pause
Greek olokliro (ολόκληρο) pafsi oloklirou (παύση ολοκλήρου)
Italian semibreve pausa di semibreve
Japanese 全音符 (zen onpu) 全休符 (zen kyūfu)
Korean 온음표 온쉼표
Lithuanian pilnoji nata pilnoji pauzė
Portuguese semibreve pausa de semibreve
Polish cała nuta pauza całonutowa
Romaniannotă întreagăpauză de nota intreaga
Russian целая нота целая пауза
Serbian cela nota / цела нота cela pauza / цела пауза
Spanish redonda silencio de redonda
Swedish helnot helpaus
Thai โน๊ตตัวกลม ตัวหยุดตัวกลม
Vietnamese nốt tròn lặng tròn
Welsh hannerbrif saib yr hannerbrif

The Catalan, French and Spanish names for the note (meaning "round") derive from the fact that the semibrevis was distinguished by its round stemless shape, which is true as well of the modern form (in contrast to the double whole note or shorter values with stems). The Greek name means "whole". Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese names mean "whole note".

See also
