White-faced Black Spanish chicken

Other names
  • White-faced Spanish
  • White-faced Black Spanish
Nicknames Clown Chicken, Fowl of Seville
Country of origin Spain
Weight Male: 2.5–3 kg[1]
  Female: 2–2.5 kg[1]
Egg color white
Comb type single
APA Mediterranean[2]
ABA single comb, clean legged
EE yes[3]
PCGB rare soft feather: light[4]
Gallus gallus domesticus

The Spanish or White-faced Black Spanish, Spanish: Cara Blanca or Española Cara Blanca, is a breed of domestic chicken which originated in Spain, but was largely bred to its present type in Great Britain in the eighteenth century. It is an older breed than the Minorca. It is distributed throughout the world, but is rare in Spain.[1]


This breed was admitted into the American Poultry Association in 1874.


They have glossy black plumage and are closely related to the Minorca and Castilian breeds. Their most distinguishing feature are their white, low hanging ear lobes, which are actually overdeveloped. They have a single comb, four toes, and no crest.


Hens are non-sitters, and lay 160–180 white eggs per year, with a weight of about 80 g.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Miguel Fernández Rodríguez, Mariano Gómez Fernández, Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo, Silvia Adán Belmonte, Miguel Jiménez Cabras (eds.) (2009). Guía de campo de las razas autóctonas españolas (in Spanish). Madrid: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. ISBN 9788449109461. p. 622–623.
  2. APA Recognized Breeds and Varieties as of January 1, 2012. American Poultry Association. Accessed September 2014.
  3. Liste des races et variétés homologuée dans les pays EE (28.04.2013). Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculture. Accessed September 2014.
  4. Breed Classification. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Accessed September 2014.