Which Witch? (board game)
Which Witch? is a children's board game published in 1970 by the Milton Bradley Company and designed by Marvin Glass and Associates. The board is shaped like a haunted house with four large rooms: the Broom Room, the Witchin' Kitchen, the Spell Cell and the Bat's Ballroom, respectively, assembled before play into a three-dimensional model house with vertical walls, and a large plastic chimney in the very center. There are four tokens, colored red, yellow, blue and green. Each token is shaped like a child, either a boy or a girl, with four corresponding "mice" tokens of identical color. Which colors were boys or girls would vary with each game.
Gameplay involves the players to roll a single die, leading them through the various squares in each room into the next, with several "danger" squares, so-named because they are in the path of the game's "whammy ball" (explained below). In the fourth room, the Bat's Ballroom, was the end of the track, with the "Charmed Circle" on the final square. The player to reach the Charmed Circle first wins the game.
The haunted house is occupied by three witches: Ghoulish Gertie, Wanda The Wicked and Glenda The Good. The witches would appear upon drawing a card, drawn after each roll of the die, which then instructs the player what to do.
Drawing cards instructs players to drop a metal "whammy ball" into the chimney (upon drawing the Ghoulish Gertie card), whence it falls randomly into one of the four rooms and may knock players' pawns off the track, at which point the player(s) with the upset token(s) would have to start at the beginning of the room that he or she was in. Drawing the Wanda the Wicked card results in the player being turned into a mouse, at which point the player removes his or her token from the board and replaces it with the corresponding mouse token. As a mouse, the player is frozen on the spot and cannot roll the die until he or she draws the Glenda The Good card, which breaks the spell, at which point the player replaces the mouse token with the child token, and gameplay continues as normal.
A version of this board game was released for The Real Ghostbusters, with identical play mechanics but Ghostbusters characters and cards. Which Witch? was sold as Haunted House by Denys Fisher and later as Ghost Castle in the UK.