Western Hutt

Western Hutt was a New Zealand parliamentary electorate from 1969 to 1996.

Population centres

The main population centre in the electorate was the city of Lower Hutt in the Hutt Valley.


The electorate partly replaced the Hutt seat, which had been held by Trevor Young (who went to the Eastern Hutt seat), and Western Hutt was won in 1978 by John Terris for the Labour Party.

In the 1990 election the seat was won by Joy McLauchlan of the National Party; one of several seats won by National.

In 1996 the seat was replaced by the Hutt South seat, which was won back for Labour by Trevor Mallard.

Election results

Election Winner
1969 electionHenry May (Labour)
1972 election
1975 electionBrian Lambert (National)
1978 electionJohn Terris (Labour)
1981 election
1984 election
1987 election
1990 election Joy McLauchlan (National)
1993 election
