Westcountry Rivers Trust

River Looe
River Fowey
River Otter
River Axe

The Westcountry Rivers Trust is a waterway society and a registered charity No. 1045806 in the West Country of England, United Kingdom. The Trust was founded in 1995 and aims to protect and enhance the West Country's rivers and streams, and to work with the region's landowners, farmers and the wider community, mainly through education projects.

Cornwall Rivers Project

This £2.6 million Project, from 2002 to 2006, was funded by the European Union (European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund) Objective 1 Programme and by the UK Government's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It was aimed at those managing land in the catchments of these rivers and streams:

Trust members visited over 870 landholdings in Cornwall to help improve farming practice, to protect the environment and to make economic savings. More than 1,380 km of watercourses were surveyed, and Integrated River Basin Resource Management Plans issued.

An End of Project leaflet was produced:

See also

External links