Wei (surname)

Wei (魏, 韋, 蔿, 衛, 尉)
Family name
Pronunciation Hakka: Ngui
Region of origin China

Wei (魏, 韋, 衛, 尉, 隗) is a Chinese surname. It was ranked the 122nd most common Chinese surname in 2006. Wei (魏) is the name used for the Kingdom of Wei.

Notable people surnamed Wei (魏)

During the Zhou Dynasty, Wei (state) (魏) the Ji family acquired the surname Wei (魏). During the Northern Wei (北魏), Xiaowen family got the surname Wei with the state name.

During the Ming Dynasty, Gao (高) and Li (李) family change surname to Wei. Wei is also a surname used by some Chinese Minorities.

Notable people surnamed Wei (衛)

During the Zhou Dynasty, Wey (衛) ruler Wei Yang (衛鞅)'s family name was Gongsun (公孫), not Wei family (衛). During the Han Dynasty, Wei Man (衛滿) was baron of Yan (state). During the Northern Wei (北魏), Xiaowen family got the surname Wei with state name.

Notable people surnamed Wei (尉)

Wei (尉) family name originated from Wei family of Zheng (郑国), Yu family of Xia Dynasty (复), and Royal of Northern Wei (北魏), and many more.

Notable people surnamed Wei (韋)

Wei (韋) family name from Peng (彭) the form a Xiong (熊) of Chu. Also, during the Han Dynasty, Han Xin's son escaped to Wei Country (韋) because of the purge of Empress_Lü_Zhi, and later got the surname Wei (韋) from the region's name.

Notable people surnamed Wei (蔿)

Wei (蔿) family name from the Yuan (surname) (薳) the form a Xiong (surname) (熊) of Chu (state).

See also