Weapons of the Salvadoran Civil War

An eclectic variety of weapons was used by both sides in the Salvadoran Civil War. The two factions involved were:

The Salvadoran military used Western weaponry, mainly American and Israeli but also the former Salvadoran public security forces used German and Taiwanese armamanet. During the early part of the war, the FMLN likewise were equipped largely with Western arms and munitions, though as the war went on, Eastern Bloc weaponry played a larger role.

Weapons of the Salvadoran Government Forces

Small arms

Battle rifles

Assault rifles

The BIRI (immediately reaction infantry battalion used this variant even with the M-203 attached).

Sniper rifles

Submachine guns

Machine guns

Hand grenades

Grenade launchers

Weapons of the FMLN

Small arms

Battle rifles

Assault rifles


Sniper rifles

Submachine guns


Machine guns

Hand grenades

Heavy weapons

Anti-tank weapons

Anti-air weapons


  1. 1.0 1.1 http://blogs.miis.edu/sand/files/2011/02/elsbrief.pdf - Source: Federation of American Scientists, Arms Sales Monitoring Project

See also