Weak convergence (Hilbert space)

In mathematics, weak convergence in a Hilbert space is convergence of a sequence of points in the weak topology.


\Vert x\Vert \le \liminf_{n\to\infty} \Vert x_n \Vert,
and this inequality is strict whenever the convergence is not strong. For example, infinite orthonormal sequences converge weakly to zero, as demonstrated below.
\langle x - x_n, x - x_n \rangle = \langle x, x \rangle + \langle x_n, x_n \rangle - \langle x_n, x \rangle - \langle x, x_n \rangle \rightarrow 0.


The first 3 curves in the sequence fn=sin(nx)
The first 3 functions in the sequence f_n(x) = \sin(n x) on [0, 2 \pi]. As n \rightarrow \infty f_n converges weakly to f =0.

The Hilbert space L^2[0, 2\pi] is the space of the square-integrable functions on the interval [0, 2\pi] equipped with the inner product defined by

\langle f,g \rangle = \int_0^{2\pi} f(x)\cdot g(x)\,dx,

(see Lp space). The sequence of functions f_1, f_2, \ldots defined by

f_n(x) = \sin(n x)

converges weakly to the zero function in L^2[0, 2\pi], as the integral

\int_0^{2\pi} \sin(n x)\cdot g(x)\,dx.

tends to zero for any square-integrable function g on [0, 2\pi] when n goes to infinity, i.e.

\langle f_n,g \rangle \to \langle 0,g \rangle = 0.

Although f_n has an increasing number of 0's in [0,2 \pi] as n goes to infinity, it is of course not equal to the zero function for any n. Note that f_n does not converge to 0 in the L_\infty or L_2 norms. This dissimilarity is one of the reasons why this type of convergence is considered to be "weak."

Weak convergence of orthonormal sequences

Consider a sequence e_n which was constructed to be orthonormal, that is,

\langle e_n, e_m \rangle = \delta_{mn}

where \delta_{mn} equals one if m = n and zero otherwise. We claim that if the sequence is infinite, then it converges weakly to zero. A simple proof is as follows. For xH, we have

 \sum_n | \langle e_n, x \rangle |^2 \leq \| x \|^2 (Bessel's inequality)

where equality holds when {en} is a Hilbert space basis. Therefore

 | \langle e_n, x \rangle |^2 \rightarrow 0 (since the series above converges, its corresponding sequence must go to zero)


 \langle e_n, x \rangle  \rightarrow 0 .

Banach–Saks theorem

The Banach–Saks theorem states that every bounded sequence x_n contains a subsequence x_{n_k} and a point x such that

\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=1}^N x_{n_k}

converges strongly to x as N goes to infinity.


The definition of weak convergence can be extended to Banach spaces. A sequence of points (x_n) in a Banach space B is said to converge weakly to a point x in B if

f(x_n) \to f(x)

for any bounded linear functional f defined on B, that is, for any f in the dual space B'. If B is a Hilbert space, then, by the Riesz representation theorem, any such f has the form

f(\cdot)=\langle \cdot,y \rangle

for some y in B, so one obtains the Hilbert space definition of weak convergence.