Waterberg Flat Lizard
The Waterberg Flat Lizard (Platysaurus minor) is a species of lizard in the Cordylidae family.
The Waterberg Flat Lizard ranges from Waterberg, South Africa, to the foothills of the Blouberg. The Waterberg Flat Lizard lives in rocky sandstone outcrops in a savannah habitat.
The Waterberg Flat Lizard eats mainly insects, but will sometimes eat plants. It lives in small family groups and breeds in summer, when two eggs are produced.
The Waterberg Flat Lizard is 60–70 mm long. The scales on the sides of its body are rounded, raised and larger than those on its back. Three longitudinal stripes are always entire on females, but sometimes divided in males.
External links
| | | Chamaesaura |
- Cape Grass Lizard (C. anguina)
- Large-scale Grass Lizard (C. macrolepis)
- Transvaal Grass Lizard (C. aenea)
| Cordylus |
- African Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. polyzonus)
- Angolan Girdled Lizard (C. angolensis)
- Armadillo Girdled Lizard (C. cataphractus)
- Barberton Girdled Lizard (C. barbertonensis)
- Black Girdled Lizard (C. niger)
- Blue-spotted girdled lizard (C. coeruleopunctatus)
- Campbell's Girdled Lizard (C. campbelli)
- Cape Girdled Lizard (C. cordylus)
- Cloete's Girdled Lizard (C. cloetei)
- Coastal Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. macropholis)
- C. meculae
- C. nyikae
- C. rivae
- Drakensberg Crag Lizard (C. subviridis)
- Dwarf Crag Lizard (C. nebulosus)
- Dwarf Girdled Lizard (C. minor)
- Dwarf Karoo Girdled Lizard (C. aridus)
- East African Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. tropidosternum)
- Eastern Cape Crag Lizard (C. fasciatus)
- False Girdled Lizard (C. capensis)
- Herero Girdled Lizard (C. pustulatus)
- Hewitt's Spiny-tailed Lizard (C. peersi)
- Highveld Crag Lizard (C. melanotus)
- Jordan's Girdled Lizard (C. jordani)
- Lang's Crag Lizard (C. langi)
- Lawrence's Girdled Lizard (C. lawrenci)
- Limpopo Girdled Lizard (C. jonesii)
- Maasai Girdled Lizard (C. beraduccii)
- Machado's Girdled Lizard (C. machadoi)
- Mclachlan's Girdled Lizard (C. mclachlani)
- Mozambique Girdled Lizard (C. mossambicus)
- Namaqua Girdled Lizard (C. namaquensis)
- Northern Crag Lizard (C. transvaalensis)
- Oelofsen's Girdled Lizard (C. oelofseni)
- Prickly Girdled Lizard (C. spinosus)
- Rhodesian Girdled Lizard (C. rhodesianus)
- Rooiberg Girdled Lizard (C. imkeae)
- Tasman's Girdled Lizard (C. tasmani)
- Transvaal Girdled Lizard (C. vittifer)
- Ukinga Girdled Lizard (C. ukingensis)
- Van Dam's Girdled Lizard (C. vandami)
- Warren's Girdled Lizard (C. warreni)
- Waterberg Girdled Lizard (C. breyeri)
- Western Cape Crag Lizard (C. microlepidotus)
- Zoutpansberg Girdled Lizard (C. depressus)
| Platysaurus | |
| Pseudocordylus | |
| Smaug | |