Warriors of the Boer Nation

The Warriors of the Boer Nation (Afrikaans: Boerevolk-Krygers) is a suspected but unsubstantiated South African terrorist group with radical nationalist aims which, based on unauthenticated letters sent to pro government Afrikaans newspapers in 2002, purportedly claimed responsibility for a series of bombings which started in the black township of Soweto, South Africa and later spread to other areas of the country. They were later linked by police to another unsubstantiated group called the Boeremag ('Boer Force' or 'Farmers' Force' in Afrikaans).

The released message credited to this group included the words "We declare that these attacks are the beginning of the end for the African National Congress (ANC) government and accept full responsibility for it."

This group has also been reported in the media as the National Warriors as well as the Boer Nation Warriors. [1]


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