War of the Cities

War of the Cities is five series of air raids, missile attacks, and artillery shelling with the aim of the civilians during Iran-Iraq war. These series of attacks on civilians started by Iraqi air force and Iranian armed forces followed similar pursuit in retaliation. The aim of these attacks were to break down the civilians' moral on the other country which normally resulted vise versa and improved patriotism among the civilians in each side.

Air raids

Five series of systematic air raids against civilians were conducted during eight years. The first series started by Iraqi army from February 7 till 22, 1984 in response to Iranians refusal to cease fire. The second series were conducted from March 22 till April 8, 1985 was in response to Iranian offensive operation, Operation Badr, in front lines. The second series was involved attacking to most of Iranian civilian population center in western part of country including: Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz, and Isfahan cities. The third series was lasted from January 17 to 25. 1987 in response to Iranian offensive operation, Operation Dawn 6 and then the fourth series was conducted for three consecutive months from February till April 1987. The fifth series of Air attacks by Iraqis which was the most intensive one conducted once the Iranian front lines showed elements of weakening.[1] It was conducted in February 1985 and involved missile attacks to some of Iranian major cities.[2]


  1. Efraim Karsh (2002). The Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84176-371-2.
  2. Perrimond, Guy (2002). "1944–2001: The threat of theatre ballistic missiles" TTU Online.