Wang Zhen's Former Residence

Wang Zhen's Former Residence (Chinese: 王震故居; pinyin: Wāng Zhèn Gùjū) was built in the late Qing Dynasty. It is located in Mazhan Village of Beisheng Town in Liuyang, Hunan province, China.[1][2][3][4][5] The building was the birthplace and childhood home of Wang Zhen, who was one of the Eight Elders of the Communist Party of China.


In 1908, Wang Zhen was born here.[1]

In 1940, the building was washed away by the flood.[1]

In 2007, the local government rebuilt it.[1]

In 2008, it was listed as a municipality protected historic site (Chinese: 市级文物保护单位) and patriotism education bases (Chinese: 爱国主义教育基地) by the Changsha Municipal People's Government.[1]

Wang Zhen's Former Residence
The gate.
The house.


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wang Zhens Former Residence.

Coordinates: 28°14′56″N 113°25′34″E / 28.248955°N 113.426024°E