Wahlenbergia hederacea

Wahlenbergia hederacea
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Campanulaceae
Genus: Wahlenbergia
Species: W. hederacea
Binomial name
Wahlenbergia hederacea
(L.) Rchb.

Wahlenbergia hederacea, Ivy-leaved bellflower is a delicate, creeping, patch-forming, hairless perennial herb; with stems to 20 cm, weak thread-like; leaves all long-stalked, rounded, palmately-lobed, rather ivy-shaped, pale green, 5–12 mm long and wide, bases cordate; flowers on fine stalks, 1–4 cm long, in leaf-axils, erect or inclined; calyx-teeth narrow, 2–3 mm long, longer than ovary; corolla bell-shaped with 5 short lobes, pale sky- blue, 6–10 mm long x 5–8 mm wide.[1]


Moist tracks in woods, boggy moorland rivulets.


Southern England, Kent to Cornwall, North West England, Wales, Western Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, North West Germany, Spain, Portugal.



  1. The Wild Flower Key, British Isles N.W. Europe, Francis Rose, WARNE, Published by the Penguin Group, 1991 reissue, ISBN 0-7232-2419-6

External links

Media related to Wahlenbergia hederacea at Wikimedia Commons