Wage Rural LLG

Wage Rural LLG,Kandep District is one of the two LLGs of the Kandep District of Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. It is located at Southern part of Wabag, capital town of [Enga Province]. Kandep shares land borders between Laiagam - Porgera, Wabag, and Wapenimanda District. Also shares borders with Southern Highland, Western highlands and newly breakaway Provinces of Hela. The Kandep is accessible by road. Kandep - Laiagam Road linking to Wabag is 3 hours drive back and forth. Kandep - Mendi road is (under construction). Kandep - Magarima Road are all connected.

Wage LLG comprises council wards from Upper and Lower Wage. The mighty Lai River which flow from north to south divides the District into two LLGs where the eastern part called the Lai LLG and western part called the Wage LLG. Magarima in the newly established Hela Province can be accessible from the Lower Wage(Titip) by road. However, the road connection between Kandep and Magarima is disconnected by a bridge which seemingly sinks in the Kandep swamp.

Several companies have been contracted to carry out the maintenance and reconstruction of the bridge but up till now, no work has progressed.

It is the lack of bridge that people cross over from Kandep by wooden canoes and either walk all the way or by chance catch one of the two PMVs which make scheduled trips to Magarima.

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