
WWF-India is the Indian part of the WWF. It has an autonomous office, with the Secretariat based in New Delhi and various State, Divisional and Project offices spread across India.

It is the largest organization engaged in wildlife and nature conservation in the country. Established as a Charitable Trust in 1969, it has massed over three decades of experience in the field. Having started with modest beginnings, the organization has come a long way helped by the efforts of its founders and associates who volunteered their efforts to lend momentum to this movement in its initial years.


WWF-India today is engaged in many activities for protection and conservation of the environment in the Indian context. Climate Change and Energy Conservation are among the chief areas of concern. The Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Division strives to promote and enhance conservation of forest ecosystems through a participatory approach involving key stakeholders in India. Through its Environment Education Program, it aims at strengthening individual and institutional capacity in nature conservation and environmental protection through widespread education and awareness.

See also


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