
For other uses, see Volksflugzeug (disambiguation).

The Fieseler Fi 253 Spatz, one of the planes that were developed based on the concept of a Volksflugzeug.

The Volksflugzeug (People’s Aircraft) was a grand Third Reich scheme for the mass-production of a small and simple airplane in the 1930s. It was one of the attempts of the Nazi regime to shape progressive consumer technologies for the benefit of the community and as a powerful propaganda tool for the state.[1] Unlike the Volkswagen car, the showpiece of the Nazi claim to work for the good of the average German,[2] as well as the less-known Volksempfänger radio, the Volkskühlschrank refrigerator and the Volksgasmaske gas mask, the Volksflugzeug project was contemplated but never realized.[3]

The Volksflugzeug grand plan surfaced at different times and in different locations in Germany during Nazi rule. However, since it lacked vehement official backing, it remained ill-defined and elusive. Finally World War II dictated priorities ended abruptly most of the projects connected with the scheme.[4]

In more recent times the idea behind such a proposal of aeronautical development evolved and gave origin to other designs using more technologically advanced materials. Thus, a great number of Volksflugzeug designs and projects of the 1930s are currently seen as the ancestors of the present day ultralight aircraft.[5]


The Etrich Sport-Taube at the National Technical Museum (Prague).

Early attempts

The idea of a ‘People's Aircraft’ predated the Nazi regime. Its main source of inspiration was Henry Ford’s Ford T. After the industrial production of a cheap car that the ordinary citizen could afford was made possible, there was only one step in the minds of some towards building an aircraft on the same pattern. The idea of a ‘People's Plane’ was put forward to Henry Ford by William Bushnell Stout, who immediately became enthusiastic about it. The Ford Flivver was the resulting plane, a project that ended up not becoming as successful as expected.[6]

In Germany itself, some projects in the second half of the 1920 decade were intended as early Volksflugzeug planes. Already in 1928 the Raab-Katzenstein RK-9 Grasmücke (Meadow Warbler) was a 2-seat biplane trainer fitted with a 3-cylinder Anzani motor that was planned as a 'Volksflugzeug'. The Etrich Sport-Taube, built in 1929 by the Etrich company, was also intended as a Volksflugzeug, but it soon faced difficulties regarding production in series and the project was given up.[7] Other early People’s Aircraft projects were the Deicke ADM 11 Volksflugzeug built in 1933,[8] the Gerner G.I[9] and G.II biplanes, and the Messerschmitt M 17.[10]

Engineers such as Hanns Klemm saw that there was a future in light aircraft. This led Klemm to design the Daimler L15 while he worked at the Daimler Motor Company in Sindelfingen. Klemm had a clear goal: to build in series a Volksflugzeug, a plane that would be low in production costs, fitted with a low-priced motor and low in maintenance. Later, after leaving Daimler, Klemm established his own company Leichtflugzeugbau Klemm in Böblingen. [11]

There was a competition for the construction of a single-seat low-cost Volksflugzeug in the early 1930s before the Nazi Party came to power. In addition to industrial and private companies, also academic groups took part in the contest. Thus the Akademische Fliegergruppe Berlin of the Berlin Technical High School produced the B 4, also known as „FF“, fast fertig (almost ready) and won the first prize. Following the Nazi takeover such Academic Flying Groups were disbanded through a decree issued on 11 April 1933 by the Reichskommissar responsible for aviation.[12]

Propaganda tool

The prefix ‘Volks-’ became for National Socialism a kind of honor badge that was awarded to selected industrial products. The capacity to mass-produce such items flattered a totalitarian state which sought to present itself as a leader in technical progress as well as the forerunner of a more egalitarian world led by the Führer. In the post war years such people's projects were often mentioned as “the good side” of the Nazi times.[3][13]

Initiative and eventual instructions regarding the “People’s Products” proposals came from the German Labour Front, led by Robert Ley, as well as from the Nazi Propaganda Ministry led by Joseph Goebbels. Political, ideological, as well as economical factors dictated their viability within the Nazi context. The “People’s Products” had a double function, on one hand they were key elements of the official propaganda, which promised an affluent and comfortable future society to citizens, mainly in order to make the actual economic hardships dictated by the German re-armament acceptable to the population. On the other hand they constituted real plans and visions of a specifically Nazi consumer’s society.[3]

The failure of the grand scheme became evident, however, when the economic goal of massive people’s consumption revealed itself incompatible with the simultaneous political goals of autarchy, re-armament and territorial expansion.[3] By mid 1937 with the German re-armament in full gear, such small planes were labelled as 'weak-engined planes' (schwachmotorige Flugzeuge) and Nazi engineer Hermann Schäfer would write in Berlin that: The name „Volksflugzeug“ is only acceptable for a plane that wide layers of a Volk can afford to buy and upkeep. However, in the foreseeable time one can neither count on a plane of that type nor on the creation of the necessary conditions for it, such as take-off, landing and maintenance infrastructures.[14]

Development and twilight of the concept

The vision behind the Volksflugzeug project was to manufacture a small plane in large quantities that would be affordable for the average Third Reich citizen.[15]

Some of the designs of the Volksflugzeug airplane were developed into viable small aircraft, but not as part of the wider Nazi scheme, such as the Messerschmitt M 33, a very little plane that would have been produced in a ‘build-it-yourself’ kit. Willy Messerschmitt's idea was to produce a plane so cheap that it would be affordable for anyone with an average salary. Designed during the pre-Nazi takeover of Germany years, the Messerschmitt M-33 never went past the project stage.[16] Other craft, such as the Lehmann Falter, another very little airplane roughly based on the Mignet Pou du Ciel (German: Himmelslaus), were seeking to improve or develop existing designs of very small planes, but remained projects as well.[17]

Engineer Wolf Hirth had pursued the idea of building a Volksflugzeug when he finally built and patented the Hirth Hi-20 MoSe (Motorsegler) in 1937. It was the first motorglider with a non-rigid motor that could change angle.[18]

The Technical Department of the Nazi Ministry of Aviation, the Technisches Amt (LC, but more often referred to as the C-amt) in charge of all research and development, led by Ernst Udet after June 1936, withdrew its favor from smaller aircraft building companies. Industries such as Weser Flugzeugbau (former Rohrbach), Bücker, Ago, Klemm and Fieseler were told that there were no further projects for them to develop because future projects could be handled by the remaining aircraft industrial groups.[19] Instead these small companies were advised to become involved in the production of a so-called Volksflugzeug powered by motors of 50 to 60 HP. The recommendation was taken not only by Klemm, with its Kl 105, Siebel with the Si 202 and Fieseler with the Fi 253 Spatz,[20] but apparently as well by Bücker with its Bü 134 Student.[21]

Two of the designs made by Bücker's Swedish engineer Anders J. Anderson, the Bü 134, of which only one was built, and the Bü 180 Student, could have been the result of the Volksflugzeug proposal made by the LC II, the department of the Technisches Amt responsible for the development of new aircraft, even though the Bü 134 was powered by a Hirth HM 504 A motor which with 105 HP fell a bit beyond the scheme. Also the last plane designed by Anderson, the Bü 182 Kornett, of which only three were built, found no support in the Air Ministry of the Reich, even though it combined technical progress and low-cost. The Bü 182 Kornett was a highly innovative model, fitted with a low-priced high-performance engine, that would have made a good trainer for the Luftwaffe.[21]


The Zündapp 9-092, one of the light engines used in 'Volksflugzeug' planes

The 1930s saw the development of certain light-weight and low-HP aviation engines that were intended for small craft and that made Volksflugzeug-type planes feasible both from the low cost as well as from a technical perspective.[18]

See also


  1. Peter Fritzsche, Machine Dreams: Airmindedness and the Reinvention of Germany, American Historical Review 98 (1993): 685-709
  2. The Volkswagen car
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Wolfgang König. Volkswagen, Volksempfänger, Volksgemeinschaft - 'Volksprodukte' im Dritten Reich: Vom Scheitern einer nationalsozialistischen Komsumgesellschaft, Schöningh, 2004 ISBN 9783506717337
  4. Fieseler Fi 253
  5. FliegerRevue March 2010, p. 56-59, Erla-Gerner-Gotha - Autobauer versuchen sich am Volksflugzeug
  6. Flieger - Ford Flivver
  7. Sport-Taube
  8. Arthur Deicke , München ADM 11
  9. Gerner G.I
  10. Flugzeugbau Max Gerner
  11. Stuttgart Region, History: Ein Flugzeug für jedermann (A Plane for Everybody)
  12. Hundert Jahre Akademische Fliegergruppe Berlin / Technische Hochschule zu Berlin , Der Lilienthaler, Heft 4/2010 13. Jahrgang - A46951
  13. How We Learned to Live with the Bombs Materialities and Mentalities of Urban Terrormindedness
  14. Luftwelt Bd. 4 Nr. 5/6, May/June 1937. Schwachmotorige Flugzeuge p. 192
  15. Peter Fritzsche, A Nation of Fliers: German Aviation and the Popular Imagination. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992
  16. Messerschmitt M-33
  17. Lehmann Falter
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Kyrill von Gersdorff, Helmut Schubert, Stefan Ebert: Flugmotoren und Strahltriebwerke, Bernard & Graefe Verlag München, ISBN 978-3-7637-6128-9
  19. From a Luftwaffe Development Program briefing led by Major Werner Junck on 10 January 1937
  20. Luftarchiv - Fieseler
  21. 21.0 21.1 Förderverein Bücker-Museum Rangsdorf
  22. Karl-Dieter Seifert, DKW und die Erla-Me-Flugzeuge: 1926 bis 1945 - Page 57
  23. Industrial Museum of Saxonia
  24. Polish Aviation Museum - Aircraft engine: Köller ”Kröber M4”
  25. Luftwelt Bd. 4 Nr. 5/6, May/June 1937. Schwachmotorige Flugzeuge p. 195

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