Voisava Tripalda

Ethnicity Disputed
Known for Mother of Skanderbeg
Religion Christianity[B]
Spouse(s) Gjon Kastrioti
Children 9 children, see Family
Parent(s) A nobleman, possibly of the Branković family

Voisava, also known as Voisava Tripalda[A] (fl. 1402 – 1405) was a noble woman, possibly a daughter of a lord from Polog (in modern Republic of Macedonia). Through her marriage with Gjon Kastrioti, she had nine children, one of whom was the most powerful Albanian nobleman in history, proclaimed national hero George Kastrioti "Skanderbeg".

Early sources

The first works providing information on Voisava's origins are:

Modern sources


Voisava married Gjon Kastrioti, the "Lord of a part of Albania" (dominus partium Albanie). She bore 9 children with Gjon, 4 sons and 5 daughters:


  1. ^ Name: Barleti gives her name as simply "Voisava",[1] without any surname. According to Muzaka her name was "Voisava Tripalda".[23] According to Potter,[24] and Hahn, the surname added by Muzaka is a corruption or derivative from Barleti's quote on the Triballi.[25][26] Her name is also rendered Vojsava. The name "Voisava" is Slavic,[27][28] derived from Vojislava.[29]
  2. ^ Religion: The religion of Gjon Kastrioti, Voisava's husband, was directly influenced by the international balance of political powers. When he was an ally of Venice, in period 1407—1410, he was Roman Catholic. After he allied himself with Stefan Lazarević, despot of Serbian Despotate in period 1419—1426, he converted to Orthodoxy, and in 1431 he was converted to Islam due to his vassalage to the Ottoman Empire.[30]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Barletius, l. I, fo 2: «uxori Voisavae nomen erat non indignam eo viro tum pater nobilissimus Triballorum princeps, tum forma...»
  2. Gegaj 1937, p. 40
  3. Barletius, l. V, fo. 62: "Superior Dibra montuosa est et aspera, ferax tarnen et Macedoniam tum ipsa loci vicinitate, tum similitudine morum contingens. Bulgari sive Tribali habitant"
  4. The Journal of Hellenic studies Page 48: "Byzantine historians [...] calling [...] Serbs Triballians"
  5. Stuck 1577, p. 51
  6. Foxe 1837, p. 27
  7. Musachi, p. 301: "Accio sappiate, in che modo c'era parente il Signor marchese della Tripalda, ve dico, che l'e per parte de donna... (Know that the Marquis of Tripalda is related to us by a female line);
  8. Muzachi, p. 313: "...Tribali overo Misii ch' hoggi se nominato Serviani."
  9. Hahn, p. 309, elaborating on possible relation of Voisava with the Branai family or Vrana Konti.
  10. K. Hopf, Castrioti family tree, p. 533: "fille du seigneur (Serbe) de Polog
  11. Noli 1947, p. 189, note 33.
  12. Babinger 1992, p. 53
  13. Hodgkinson, p. 240
  14. Schmitt 2009, p. 8: "Gelandekundige, wie etwa ein britischer Geheimdienstoffizier des Zweiten Weltkriegs (H.Hodgkinson), wiederum, hatten keine Archivarbeit betrieben"
  15. James Pettifer (2008). "Obituary: Harry Hodgkinson". London, United Kingdom: The Independent. Retrieved 27 November 2010. throughout his life he fought for the Albanian cause and took up strong anti-Serb and anti-Bulgarian positions
  16. Димитров, Страшимир: Георги Кастриоти-Скендербег и неговата освободителна борба, В: Г. Кастриоти Скендербег 1468-1968 г. София, сп. “Балкани”, БАН, No2, 1970, стр. 11.
  17. Petrovski, pp. 2, 3, 10
  18. Petrovski, "Доколку ја прифатиме оваа варијанта, според која Бранковиките биле господари на/во Полог до почетког на последната деценија од XIV век, во тој случај произлегува дека Воисава била керка на Гргур или пак, можеби на Вук Бранковик."
  19. Schmitt (2009), pp. 44, 45.; "Skanderbegs Mutter Vojsava war eine Serbin aus der einflussreichen Familie Brankovic."
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Nicol 1997, p. 96
  21. Noli 1947, p. 64: "Vlajka me Stefan Stres Balshën"
  22. Gopčević 1914, p. 460: "Bezüglich der Strez herrscht Verwirrung. Hopf macht Ivo und Gojko BalSid zu Söhnen des Stefan Strez, welcher Vlajka Kastriota geheiratet hätte und Sohn des Gjuragj Balšić gewesen wäre, eines Bastards des Gjuragj I."
  23. Hopf 1873, p. 301, quoting Muzaka: "Muzachi "E la madre de detto Signor Scanderbeg, moglie del detto Signor Giovanni, hebbe nome Signora Voisava Tripalda e venne da bonna parte"
  24. JSTOR: The English Historical Review, Vol. 53, No. 209 (Jan., 1938), pp. 129-131
  25. J.G. von Hahn, Reise durch die Gebiet des Drin und Wardar, p. 305: "Skanderbeg's Mutter wird von dem Despoten einmal Visava Tribalda (*), ein andersmal Voisava Tripalda genannt, ...". (*)(Footnote 3) "Dieser Name mag vielleicth Anlass zu der sonderbaren Angabe des Barletius S. 4 gegeben haben, dass ihr Vater nobilissimus Tribalorum princeps gewesen sei." ("Tribalda" or "Tripalda" is a corruption or derivative from Barleti's quotation on Triballi)
  26. Denkschriften Vol. 16, 1869, p. 117
  27. Gegaj 1937, p. 36: "Le nom Voisava est certes d'origine slave, mais on ne peut en conclure, comme le fait JORGA, Brève histoire"
  28. Jireček, Geschichle der Bulgaren, t. II, p. 368: "affirme aussi l'origine slave des Castriota"
  29. Šimundić 1988, p. 370
  30. Egro 2010, p. 20: "Gjon Kastrioti...was a Roman Catholic from 1407-1410, as an ally of Venice...he converted to Orthodoxy from 1419-1426, accepting the alliance of Stephen Lazarevic of Serbia."
