Visualizer (advertising)

A visualizer or visualiser is a largely redundant name for a storyboard artist or concept artist and is a mainly freelance occupation found in advertising agencies to assist art directors in drawing scamps and storyboards to a standard that they themselves could not manage for presentation to clients. Their work is used most often in a pitch scenario where the drawing has to be to a high standard in order to win the business, and their work is routinely passed off as having been done by the Art director when presented to clients. They are now increasingly moving away from ink and incorporating digital media into their work. The income of a Visualizer varies according to skill level, but a fast experienced freelance artist typically earns £400.00 per day in London, and around $650.00 in New York or Los Angeles. This is about the same rate (or slightly higher) as a freelance Art director, though a Visualizer will often charge an additional overtime rate due to the long hours expected with amends and changes in Art direction that often go on beyond a typical eight hour day. As well as Advertising agencies, they can also work in the filmmaking/video production and gaming industry in such areas as storyboards and character development. Qualifications are largely irrelevant in Visualization, the route to a successful career can be via Art School or entering employment in a junior role in a studio, or even by just being good at drawing. Either way, your work will always be as good as the last piece of work you did for a client. In the rare instances that Visualizers are employed by an Advertising agency or other employer the salary level should be the same as an experienced Graphic Designer in order to reflect the likely long hours they will be working.

See also