Visual artifact

Visual artifacts are anomalies during visual representation of e.g. digital graphics and imagery.

Examples in digital graphics

A screenshot of a Microsoft Windows XP application displaying a visual artifact. This was fixed in the next release, Windows Vista .

Occurrences in video entertainment

Many people who use their computers as a hobby experience artifacting due to a hardware malfunction. The cases can differ but the usual causes are:

The differing cases of visual artifacting can also differ between scheduled task(s).

In microscopy

In microscopy, an artifact is an apparent structural detail that is caused by the processing of the specimen and is thus not a legitimate feature of the specimen.

For example, a crush artifact is artificial elongation and distortion when smearing cells or tissue for microscopy.[1]


A retinography. The gray spot in the center is a shadow artifact.
  1. Komanduri S, Swanson G, Keefer L, Jakate S (December 2009). "Use of a new jumbo forceps improves tissue acquisition of Barrett's esophagus surveillance biopsies". Gastrointest. Endosc. 70 (6): 1072–8.e1. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.04.009. PMID 19595312.