Virals (novel)


Cover of the first edition
Author Kathy Reichs
Cover artist Jacket photograph of girl by Michael Frost, Digital illustration and design by Tony Sahara
Country United States
Language English
Series Virals
Genre Young-adult fiction
Publisher Razorbill
Publication date
November 2, 2010
Media type Print (hardcover, paperback)
Pages 448 (hardcover), 454 (paperback)
ISBN ISBN 1595143424
Followed by Seizure

Virals is the first novel in the Virals series of novels for young adults written by the American forensic anthropologist and crime writer, Kathy Reichs and her son Brendan Reichs, featuring Tory Brennan, great-niece of Temperance Brennan.

It is the first of Reichs's novels to be written specifically for a young-adult audience.


Tory and her friends find a rusted dog tag dating from the Vietnam War era on Loggerhead Island, and trying to identify its owner leads them to an unsolved murder and infection by an experimental virus that gives them special powers, which they describe as "flaring". During the infection, they rescue a dog, whom they keep in their bunker-their hideout. Dr. Karsten gets suspicious and asks them questions.

Meanwhile, they discover a skeleton who's DNA proves to be the daughter of the owner of the dogtag. But some people shoot at them, which forces them to run. They manage to escape, but the next time they visit, the skeleton vanishes.

As the story progresses, it gets clear that someone else gets involved. Someone who wouldn't be suspected. But who is it?


Additional to the recurring characters of the series, the following characters appear.

Publishing history

Virals was first published in the United States on November 2, 2010 by Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Books, and published in the UK the same year by Young Arrow, an imprint of Random House. It has had several subsequent English language editions in hardback, paperback, ebook, and audiobook. The book has also been published in French (as Viral, Pocket, 2011), German (Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, 2011), and Italian (Rizzoli, 2011)


External links