Violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 2000

The year 2000 in Israel-Palestine marked the beginning of the al-Aqsa Intifada leading to a number of Palestinian and Israeli deaths. For information about violence against Palestinian's in relation to home demolitions during this period refer to house demolition in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. For reference to specific acts of terrorism refer to Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2000

Total Death Toll in 2000: 145

January - 28 September (12 Palestinians)

Up to 28 September 12 Palestinian were killed by the Israeli army in the occupied territories.[1]

February (death toll: 3, Israeli civilian: 3)

September (death toll: 19, 17 Palestinians, 2 Israeli military forces)

The same day, 5 Palestinians in Temple Mount and a sixth in Ramallah were killed. The first five did not participate in hostilities when killed [3]

October (death toll: 35, 32 Palestinians, 2 Israeli civilians, 1 Israeli military forces, )

November (death toll: 57, 41 Palestinians, 8 Israeli soldiers, 8 Israeli civilians )

December (death toll:19 Palestinians: 13, Israeli military: 3 Israeli civilian: 4)

See also
