Vincent Poor

Vincent Poor

Vincent Poor in 2014, portrait via the Royal Society
Alma mater
Notable awards ForMemRS

Vincent Poor is Dean of Engineering.[1] and a professor at Princeton University, USA. He is a specialist in wireless, telecommunications, signal processing and information theory .[2] He has received many honorary degrees and election to national academies. He was also President of IEEE Information Theory Society (1990).[1]


Poor received a BSEE degree from Auburn University in 1972, and a MSEE from there in 1974. In 1977, he received his PhD from Princeton University. From 1977 - 1990, he was a faculty member of the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. From 1990, he joined Princeton University as a professor.


His research interests lie in the areas of stochastic analysis, statistical signal processing and information theory, and their applications in a number of fields including wireless networks, social networks, and smart grid. This research work has attracted over 10,000 citations.[3] He has published a book on Signal Detection and Estimation[4] This book is considered the definitive reference in the subject.[5][4] He was reported to have made a particular impact in the field of wireless communications.[6]


He was elected a Member, National Academy of Science in 2011.[7] (2011); he was previously elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering[8] (elected 2001)

He is a Corresponding Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh (elected 2013), of the Institution of Engineering and Technology[9] (2010), International Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering (U.K.) (elected 2009), Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (elected 2005), Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (2002), Fellow, Optical Society of America (elected 2001; Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (elected 2001); Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (elected 1991), and Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (elected 1987)

He has received the degree of D.Eng. honoris causa from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2012);[10] the D.Tech. honoris causa, from Aalborg University in 2012;[11] (2012); a D.Sc. honoris causa from University of Edinburgh (2011)[12]

He received the IEEE Eric Sumner Award [13](2011), the IET Ambrose Fleming Medal for Achievement in Communications (2010), the Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award, IEEE Communications Society (2009), the Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Information Theory Society (2008), the IEEE James H. Mulligan Education Medal[14] (2005)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dean of Engineering, Princeton
  2. Bio of Vincent Poor.
  3. [Google Scholar Citations url=]
  4. 4.0 4.1 [Book on Signal Detection & Estimation url="">
  5. [Tau Beta Pi Newsletter url="">
  6. [iTHome Online News Report (in chinese) - url="">]
  7. Source: National Academy of Sciences - Vince Poor Elected to NAE
  8. Elected to NAE
  9. Source: Institution of Engineering & Technology - IET Fellows Election News
  10. Source: Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Honorary Doctorate Honorary Doctorate, HKUST.
  11. Source: Aalborg University Honorary Doctorate News -
  12. Source: University of Edinburgh Honorary Doctorate Honorary Doctorate, U of Edinburg
  13. Source: IEEE Eric Sumner Award Recipients IEEE Eric Sumner Medal
  14. Source: IEEE Award News IEEE Mulligan Education Medal