Vile Vortices

Vile Vortices is a term referring to twelve geographic areas that are alleged by Ivan Sanderson to have been the sites of mysterious disappearances. Sanderson wrote the article "The Twelve Devil's Graveyards Around the World," published in Saga magazine.[1]

Vile Vortices map. The Vortices are aligned to the same latitudes.

The vortices

Sanderson asserts that twelve "vortices" are situated along particular lines of latitude.[1]

The best known of the so-called "vortices" is the Bermuda Triangle. Others include Algerian Megaliths to the south of Timbuktu, the Indus Valley in Pakistan, especially the city of Mohenjo Daro, Hamakulia Volcano in Hawaii, the "Devil's Sea" near Japan and the South Atlantic Anomaly.[2] Five of the vortices are on the same latitude to the south of the equator; five are on the same latitude to the north. The other two are the north and south poles.

The idea has been taken up by other fringe writers, who have argued that the vortices are linked to "subtle matter energy," "ley lines" or "electro-magnetic aberration".[3]

Paul Begg, in a series of articles for The Unexplained magazine, criticized the methodology of writers on the subject of unexplained disappearances. He checked original records of the alleged incidents. Often, he found, the ships which were claimed to have 'mysteriously disappeared' had a mundane reason for their loss (see for instance Raifuku Maru). Some were lost in storms, although the vortex writers would claim that the weather was fine at the time. In other cases, locations of losses were changed to fit the location of the vortex. Sometimes no record of the ship even existing in the first place was found.[4]

See also

Alleged Vile Vortices


  1. 1.0 1.1 Neilson, Brett. (2004). Free trade in the Bermuda Triangle — and other tales of counterglobalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 44–45. ISBN 0-8166-3871-3.
  2. Marie D. Jones (2006). PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena. Career Press. p. 73. ISBN 978-1-56414-895-7.
  3. David Hatcher Childress, Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1987, p.38.
  4. Begg, Paul. "Tales from the Bermuda Triangle" and succeeding articles, reprinted in Out of This World: Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time (Caxton, 1989), pp 822.

Further reading

External links