Ventricle of the larynx

Ventricle of the larynx

Coronal section of larynx and upper part of trachea, with Ventricle labeled at center left.
Latin ventriculus laryngis
Gray's p.1080
TA A06.2.09.010
FMA 64171
Anatomical terminology

The ventricle of the larynx (also called the laryngeal sinus, laryngeal ventricle or Morgagni's sinus)[1] is a fusiform fossa, situated between the ventricular and vocal folds on either side, and extending nearly their entire length. There is also a sinus of Morgagni in the pharynx.

The fossa is bounded, above, by the free crescentic edge of the ventricular fold; below, by the straight margin of the vocal fold and laterally, by the mucous membrane covering the corresponding thyroarytenoid muscle.

The anterior part of the ventricle leads up by a narrow opening into a pouch-like sac of mucous membrane of variable size called the appendix.

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This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

  1. Medical Definition of Laryngeal sinus in Updated 05 Mar 2000

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