
Vázquez (also spelled Vásquez, Vasques), in non Spanish-speaking countries often as Vazquez or Vasquez. Originally Basques (Vascos in Spanish) is French and English to describe an ethnic group which primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country. The Latin labial-velar approximant /w/ generally evolved into the bilabials /b/ and /β̞/ in Gascon and Spanish, probably under the influence of Basque and Aquitanian, a language related to old Basque and spoken in Gascony in Antiquity (similarly the Latin /w/ evolved into /v/ in French, Italian and other languages). Other roots describe it as a Galician surname, in use not only in Galicia but all over Spanish-speaking world.

To a lesser extent it also occurs in Portuguese-speaking countries, where Vasco as surname predominates. Vasquez means "[son] of Vasco" and Vasco comes from the pre-Roman latinized name "Velascus" - a name of uncertain origin and meaning, but probably meaning Basque or Iberian. In Galician-Portuguese the pre-Roman name becomes Velascu > Veascu > Vaasco > Vasco.

It is known that in some Spanish-speaking countries, families of non-Iberian ancestry have also adopted this surname. In Colombia and Argentina, there have been instances of "Watzke" and "Watzka" families, of German-Czech descent, Hispanicizing their surnames to "Vasquez". The surname was chosen as being the one most closely resembling their former name; in Italy a similar phenomenon was noted with some "Watzke" changing to "Vasco". [1]

There are also Spanish cognate surnames Velasco or Velázquez).[2]

List of people with this surname


Fictional People


  1. Geneological research of the Watzke family; also personal account by Flavio Watzka of Barcelona.
  2. Ferreiro, M. Gramática Histórica Galega, pp.84, ISBN 84-87847-68-4