Variation of information

In probability theory and information theory, the variation of information or shared information distance is a measure of the distance between two clusterings (partitions of elements). It is closely related to mutual information; indeed, it is a simple linear expression involving the mutual information. Unlike the mutual information, however, the variation of information is a true metric, in that it obeys the triangle inequality. Even more, it is a universal metric, in that if any other distance measure two items close-by, then the variation of information will also judge them close.[1]


Suppose we have two partitions X and Y of a set A into disjoint subsets, namely X = \{X_{1}, X_{2}, ..,, X_{k}\}, Y = \{Y_{1}, Y_{2}, ..,, Y_{l}\}. Let n = \Sigma_{i} |X_{i}| = \Sigma_{j} |Y_{j}|=|A|, p_{i} = |X_{i}| / n , q_{j} = |Y_{j}| / n, r_{ij} = |X_i\cap Y_{j}| / n. Then the variation of information between the two partitions is:

VI(X; Y ) = - \sum_{i,j} r_{ij} \left[\log(r_{ij}/p_i)+\log(r_{ij}/q_j) \right].

This is equivalent to the shared information distance between the random variables i and j with respect to the uniform probability measure on Adefined by \mu(B):=|B|/n for B\subseteq A. The variation of information satisfies

VI(X; Y ) =H(X) + H(Y) - 2I(X, Y).

where H(X) is the entropy of X, and I(X, Y) is mutual information between X and Y with respect to the uniform probability measure on A.


  1. Alexander Kraskov, Harald Stögbauer, Ralph G. Andrzejak, and Peter Grassberger, "Hierarchical Clustering Based on Mutual Information", (2003) ArXiv q-bio/0311039

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