Var är bus-Alfons?

Var är bus-Alfons?
Author Gunilla Bergström
Illustrator Gunilla Bergström
Cover artist Gunilla Bergström
Country Sweden
Language Swedish
Series Alfie Atkins
Genre children
Published 1982
Publisher Rabén & Sjögren
Preceded by Är du feg, Alfons Åberg? (1981)
Followed by Who's Scaring Alfie Atkins? (1983)

Var är bus-Alfons? is a 1982 children's book by Gunilla Bergström.[1] As an episode of the animated TV series it originally aired over SVT on 11 November 1988.[2] The original title was "Slutbusat, Alfons Åberg!"

Book cover

The book cover depicts standing outside a schoolhouse, holding his jacket in his right hand, and an alphabet book in his left.


Alfons Åberg is seven years old and will start the first grade at elementary school.

Earlier, he was always happy and used to read at night when he was supposed to sleep. When promising to clean up, he used to run away from response, and when said he will come in time he would still be to late for the meal, and when stating he has washed his hands, he hadn't done it

But now, he's silent and respoonsible. His father is worried, as Alfons lays of the table and doesn't read at night . He no longer places clothes on the floor, and washes his hands before eating.

The day before school starts, Alfons' father says that 7 year old children all across Sweden are now thinking of tomorrow, scared, curious and worried. This makes it easier for Alfons to fall asleep.

The upcoming day, Alfons fahter follows him all the way to school and says everyone is nervous.

Inside the classrom, the children are given their desk, and tell their name. Their schoolteacher tell them a secret, which makes the children laugh and their worries disappear.

Alfons walks home together with a classmate. They play down a ditch, using sticks to build bridgess and boats, insead of walking direcly home as Alfons had been told.

When Alfons returns home he tells that their schoolteacher was the most nervous of them all, because she would meet a new school lass with 20 children and their parents.She bought a dress, curled her hair at the women's hairdresser and couldn't fall asleep because of nervousity. Alfons and his father didn't think of that the previous evening.

Alfons says he has wahed his hands before eating, despite not having done so. The jacket has been thrown on the floor, and the bags too. Alfons has became as before again, even if he now goes to school.


  1. "Var är bus-Alfons?". Worldcat. 1982. Retrieved 15 January 2015.
  2. "Slutbusat, Alfons Åberg" (in Swedish). Svensk mediedatabas. 11 November 1988. Retrieved 6 October 2010.