Uzbekistan Air and Air Defence Forces

Uzbek Air Forces

Uzbekistan Air Force badge
Active 1992 - present
Country  Uzbekistan
Branch Air force and air defense
Role Air defense of Uzbekistan
Size 15,000
Garrison/HQ Tashkent
Engagements Tajikistan civil war

The Air and Air Defence Forces are the aerial arm of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was formed following the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1991, though the military was not created by the Uzbek government until 1992. The Air Force consists of 10,000 to 15,000 personnel, with most of them being Russians as of 1995.[1]


Uzbekistani Air Force maintenance personnel tow an Air Force Su-24 Fencer aircraft at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base.

In March 1994, the Russian Federation signed a treaty with Uzbekistan in training of pilots. The Uzbek Air Force is assisted by the Russian Air Force, though an air academy has been made to train Uzbeks at Ozizak. As of that year, some thirteen airbases were active in Uzbekistan. The Air Force was to follow the Soviet doctrine, supported by the Uzbekistan Ground Forces.

During the Tajik civil war in 1992, the Tajikistan government was supported by Uzbekistan. Helicopters of the Air Force fought the Muslim rebels at a United Tajik Opposition base. Later, the Uzbek Air Force was said to have destroyed the last holdouts of rebels in eastern Tajikistan. A member of the Uzbek defense ministry was made the Tajik Minister of Defence.

Due to an agreement in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Russia helped maintain the aircraft of the Uzbek Air Force and sold them more aircraft at a cheaper price than to other interests, such as the United States. In Operation Enduring Freedom, the US government and NATO had an aviation company repair much of the Air Force's aircraft, as it was deemed inoperable by them. Russia tried to undermine US efforts to reach out to Uzbekistan, especially at a 2002 conference in Tashkent, where members of various aviation companies were present.

The talks failed, and the Uzbek government had cut off the US aid in the form of helicopter repairs. [2]


Uzbekistan governmental plane Boeing 767-300.
Air defence patch

The Uzbek air forces consist of units formerly part of the 49th Air Army of the Turkestan Military District headquartered at Tashkent. There are two remaining combat units, brigades at Karshi-Khanabad and Dzhizak.

The 60th Separate Brigade is the former 735th Bomber Aviation Regiment combined with the former 87th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment.[3] It has 31 Su-24s, 32 MiG-29s, and 6 Su-27s. Other recently disbanded units include the 61st Fighter Aviation Regiment at Kakaydy, which was itself a merger with the previous 115th Fighter Aviation Regiment, and the 62nd Fighter Aviation Regiment at Andijan. Regiments at both bases were disbanded in 1999. As many as 26 stored Su-17s, apparently in very bad condition, remain at Chirchiq (see Google Earth 41°30'05.69"N 69°33'44.90"E).

List of units


English Colonel General Lieutenant General Major General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Senior Lieutenant Lieutenant
Генерал-полковник Генерал-лейтенант Генерал-майор Полковник Подполковник Майор Капитан Старшей лейтенант Лейтенант
English Senior Sergeant Sergeant Junior Sergeant Private
Старшей сержант Сержант Младшей сержант Рядовой


  1. For 735th Bomber Aviation Regiment, see Michael Holm, , and for 87th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment, see