Uz Maršala Tita

Uz Maršala Tita (Serbo-Croatian: Uz Maršala Tita, English: With Marshal Tito) is a Yugoslav Partisan anthem about Marshal and president of SFRY Josip Broz Tito, written by Vladimir Nazor and composed by Oskar Danon.[1]

During the World War II in Yugoslavia, the Ustaše regime in German-sponsored Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and some Bosniaks who fought for independence of the NDH, claimed origins from Goths (i.e., Ostrogoths, see also theories about origin of Croats).


Serbo-CroatianEnglish translation

Uz maršala Tita, junačkoga sina
nas neće ni pakao smest'.
Mi dižemo čelo, mi kročimo smjelo
i čvrsto stiskamo pest.

Rod prastari svi smo, a Goti mi nismo,
Slavenstva smo drevnoga čest.
Ko drukčije kaže, kleveće i laže,
Našu će osjetit' pest.

Sve prste na ruci u jadu i muci
Partizanska složila je svijest.
Pa sad kad i treba, do Sunca do neba
Visoko mi dižemo pest.

With Marshall Tito, the heroic son
not even Hell shall stop us.
We raise our foreheads, we walk boldly
and clench our fists hard.

Of an ancient kindred we are, but Goths we are not
Part of ancient Slavdom are we.
Whoever says otherwise slanders and lies,
will feel our fist.

All the fingers upon our hands, through misery and suffering
The Partisans awareness has created.
And now when we should, to the sun, to the sky,
We raise our fists high.
