Ustani, bane
Ustani, bane (lit. Rise, ban) is a Croatian patriotic song. It was written at the turn of the 20th century by Ognjeslav Utješinović Ostrožinski.[1]
Croatian | English translation |
Bilo je to godine, devetsto i treće,
Kad su našu Hrvatsku stigle nesreće.
Mađarske zastave digo Hedervary
Silom hoće Hrvatsku da nam pomađari.
- Ustani bane, Hrvatska te zove, zove,
- Ustani bane Jelačiću!
Nema junaka, nema Hrvata,
Kao što je bio Jelačić ban.
A sada njega crna zemlja krije.
I zelena trava prekrila mu grob. |
It was the year nine hundred and three,
When trouble befell our Croatia.
Hedervary raised the Hungarian flags
Trying to forcefully Magyarize our Croatia.
- Rise, oh ban, Croatia calls you, calls you,
- Rise, ban Jelačić!
There isn't a hero, there isn't a Croat,
Like Jelačić the ban was.
But now the black earth hides him,
And green grass has covered his grave. |