
Userfarm is now Vizy. The story begins with the union of the 2 biggest names in video crowdsourcing, Poptent and Userfarm. Taking the very best people, practices, and resources from the two established leaders in the video crowdsourcing space, Vizy emerged as the company that is changing global brands and agencies’ video strategy.


Since 2007 Poptent (in North America) and Userfarm (in the EU) have been utilizing their respective communities to the benefit of brands and agencies in an effort to change and improve the way branded video content was made.
The two companies common vision was to disrupt the traditional way to create video content to meet new growing demands of the digital world.
Poptent and Userfarm built proprietary platforms, creative communities, and work processes to give companies all over the world access to amazing video creators classified by experience, seniority, creative style, direction attitude.
The curated video crowdsourcing was born!

The Vizy method emerged to become the world's most formidable creative video resource currently serving hundreds of companies all over the world.
Vizy video crowdsourcing has since evolved into a proven methodology used by marketers every day for producing high quality video on-demand anywhere in the world.

Corporate Info

External links

Official web site:

About Vizy: Poptent and Userfarm Combine to Form Vizy