Us with Salvini

Us with Salvini
Noi con Salvini
President Matteo Salvini[1]
Deputy President Raffaele Volpi[1]
Secretary Angelo Attaguile[1]
Founded 19 December 2014
Ideology Populism
Political position Right-wing
European affiliation none
European Parliament group no MEPs
Northern counterpart Lega Nord
Colours      Blue
Chamber of Deputies
1 / 630
0 / 315
European Parliament
0 / 73
Politics of Italy
Political parties

Us with Salvini (Italian: Noi con Salvini, NcS), is a populist political party in Italy,[2][3] whose main campaign themes are Euroscepticism and a strong stance against illegal immigration. The party, founded by Matteo Salvini on 19 December 2014, is considered the sister party of Lega Nord (LN) for Lazio, southern Italy and Sardinia.[2][4]

Similarly to LN, NcS has a federal organisation and regional sections, whose individual symbols include the name of each region.[5] Angelo Attaguile, formerly a member of the Party of Sicilians, is NcS's only deputy and leader in Sicily.[6]


Soon after the European Parliament election held in May 2014, Matteo Salvini, federal secretary of Lega Nord (LN), proposed the creation of a sister party for the regions of Italy where LN is not active.[7]

On 19 December Salvini presented the new party during a press conference in Rome.[8]

Since its early months of activity, NcS formed ties with several local activists and organisations, stretching from Souad Sbai, a former deputy of The People of Freedom (PdL) of Moroccan origin and leading anti-Islamist, to the nationalist (and, according to critics, neo-fascist) CasaPound.[9] On 8 February 2015 Salvini launched the Sicilian section of the party in Palermo: in the event, he apologised for Lega Nord's past rethoric towards the South.[10]

On 27 February LN and NcS organised a joint rally in Rome. Along with Salvini and Luca Zaia, the speakers at the rally featured the representatives of some social/professional associations and trade unions (including Claudio Ardizio, a local leader of The Other Europe, a left-wing electoral coalition),[11] the aforementioned Souad Sbai, the leader of New Italy Party and flat tax supporter Armando Siri, the president of Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni and the deputy leader of CasaPound Simone Di Stefano, who spoke on behalf of the newly organised Sovereignty association.[12]


NcS embraces a very critical view of the European Union, especially of the Euro, which Matteo Salvini once described a "crime against mankind".[13] The party is also quite opposed to illegal immigration, which emerged in the latest years as a serious problem for Italy, especially for the South.[14][15]

NcS's political positions are considered close to those of the French National Front and the Dutch Party for Freedom.[16][17]



External links