University of Skikda

The Université of 20 août 1955 of Skikda is a university located in Skikda, Algeria.

The University of Skikda was created by Executive Decree No. 01/272 of 18 September 2001. She went through the following phases:

 . 1987 - 1998 Ecole Normale Supérieure of Technical Education
 . 1998 - 2001 University Center
 . September 18, 2001 University of Skikda
 . Launched August 20, 2005 and christened University August 20, 1955.
 Educational Organization: The University is organized into six (06) schools:
  - Faculty of Sciences.
  - Faculty of Technology.
  - Faculty of Economics, Trade and Management Science.
  - Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
  - Faculty of Arts and Languages.
  - Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.
 Domicile: The university is domiciled in three (03) sites:
 1. El-haddaik main site is spread over 246 hectares and is home to five (05) first faculties
 2. The site Merdj-Eddib: home ENSET (for 750 students) and the Department of Petrochemical and Process Engineering.
 3. The site AZZABA: located in the city of Azzaba distant 39 km houses the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.

See also


    External links