University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project

Members of UMNSVP pose with Borealis III and the "Tin Man" outside the Mechanical Engineering building at the University of Minnesota.

The University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project, or UMNSVP, is a team of undergraduate students from the University of Minnesota that designs and constructs solar-powered cars. In its 24 years, it has established itself as one of the world's top solar racing teams, with top two finishes in fifteen of twenty seven events entered.



The University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project was founded following the GM Sunrayce USA in 1990. With little to no prior knowledge, the team successfully built and raced Aurora I in Sunrayce `93.

Aurora Generation

The Aurora generation of UMNSVP cars, starting with Aurora II, mostly followed the "cutout" design that was typical of the 1990s, with a relatively flat body and a bubble canopy. Over three cars, the design was refined more and more. All three of the Aurora vehicles had successful trips to international races, culminating in a 4th place finish in the World Solar Challenge in Australia.

Borealis Generation

The Borealis series of cars represents the newer generation of solar cars: exotic, aerodynamic "manta-style" bodies with unlimited array area, able to (under ideal conditions) travel as fast as, or faster than, the flow of traffic on any road. All three of the Borealis cars have been extremely successful.

Centaurus Generation

The new Centaurus series of cars took the project to a whole new level by allowing the driver to sit upright while driving. Three were built in the series, and it is clear that they quickly improved to achieve the levels of success the team enjoyed with the earlier Aurora and Borealis series cars.


Daedalus marked a drastic design change from all of the team's previous solar cars. Designed for the new cruiser class in the World Solar Challenge, Daedalus was the team's first two-seater car and emphasized practicality. The car incorporated padded seats, a sound system, and a Nexus 7 tablet display.


Eos will be the UMNSVP's 12th solar vehicle and is currently being designed for the WSC 2015 Cruiser Class, like its predecessor, Daedalus.


Borealis III crosses the border to Canada on July 21, 2005.

In more than 2 decades of competition, UMNSVP has built and raced 11 different cars, assembling one of the best records in solar car racing. In the team's history:

UMNSVP takes great pride in being one of the very few collegiate solar car teams that researches, assembles, encapsulates, and attaches its own solar array. In fact, almost everything electrical on the car is designed, built, and programmed by team members.

On July 21, 2005, during the North American Solar Challenge, Borealis III passed from the United States to Canada to become the first solar car to cross an international boundary during a race.

Since the team's inception, UMNSVP has placed in the top 5 at the American Solar Challenge 8 times, more than any other team.

The future

After completing the 2014 American Solar Challenge with Centaurus III, now renamed Centaurus π, the team has begun design work for the next car, 'Eos'.

Team Composition


The UMNSVP team is composed mainly of undergraduate students from the Twin Cities Campus of the University of Minnesota. Most of the participants are studying some sort of engineering in the University's College of Science and Engineering, but students of any major are welcome to join the team. The team is usually composed of 40 to 60 students.


The team is composed of 5 main sub-teams. Each team is responsible for designing certain components of the car, although all the systems must eventually be integrated with one another.


In addition to the 5 sub-teams, there is also an executive team. This team composed of students from the sub-teams; it is responsible for taking on the duties of the team that are not directly associated with the vehicle, such as acquiring sponsors and setting meeting times.

As with any student group at the University of Minnesota, UMNSVP must have a faculty advisor. The faculty advisor is not directly involved with the design or construction of the car, but performs executive duties and serves as a contact to the University. The current faculty advisors for the team are Professors Philip Cohen and Paul Imbertson (Electrical and Computer Engineering). Previous faculty advisors include Prof. Jeff Hammer (Aerospace Engineering) and Dr. Patrick Starr (Mechanical Engineering).


The University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project has built 11 cars in its history:

Aurora I

Aurora I was the first vehicle built by UMNSVP. It is arguably one of the largest solar cars ever built for a race. It served as a solid basis of knowledge with which to work on future projects.

Aurora I is currently in storage at Professor Marple's Farm.

Aurora II

Aurora II built heavily on the experience gained from Aurora I. It featured a complete redesign from the previous car and made the UMNSVP a permanent fixture in the world of Solar Car Raycing.

Aurora II is currently at Professor Marple's Farm.


Aurora³ was a redesign of Aurora II, with a focus on improving the efficiency of the car. It featured a more aerodynamic shape and an in-wheel motor, which was a vast improvement over Aurora II's chain driven motor.

Aurora³ is currently in storage at Professor Marple's Farm.

Aurora 4

Aurora 4 improved on the successes of the Aurora class of cars. The nickel-metal hydride battery pack was the first new battery technology used by the Minnesota team, and the solar array was the first to use two different sizes of photovoltaic solar cells. The team overcame a collision with its lead vehicle and many days of rain for a 4th place finish in Sunrayce '99. It was the second 4-wheeled car that the UMNSVP built after Aurora I.

Aurora 4 is currently in storage at Professor Marple's Farm.

Borealis I

Borealis I featured a major redesign from the tried-and-true cutout car. Instead of a flat shell with a "bubble" canopy, the team used an innovative "manta" shell design, where the windshield and canopy are integrated in to the body of the car. Also, nearly all other systems were redesigned for higher performance.

In early 2005, Borealis I was sold to the Illinois State University Solar Car Team, where it was refitted with new electronics and solar panels. ISU raced it as Mercury I in the 2005 North American Solar Challenge, where they finished 18th. Its chassis was re-used for their 2008 car Mercury II, but unfortunately, troubles with their motor prevented them from qualifying. In 2009, Mercury II finished 5th out of 11 entered vehicles in the 2009 Formula Sun Grand Prix.

Borealis II

Borealis II improved on the design of Borealis I, stressing first and foremost reliability, which resulted in a relatively heavy car. It overcame a number of mishaps that damaged the car to become one of UMNSVP's most successful projects to date.

Borealis II is currently in storage at Professor Marple's Farm. Many of its solar cells were taken for use on Borealis III's reconfigurable array.

Borealis III

Borealis III leads the way during the 2005 North American Solar Challenge, passing by Lake Benton, Minnesota.

Borealis III improved upon its predecessors by stressing efficiency and weight reduction; the car weighs just over 400 lb. Borealis III was also the first solar car in history to cross an international boundary during a race; it did so on July 21, 2005 during that year's North American Solar Challenge.

During June and July 2006, Borealis III underwent slight modifications in order to race in the World Solar Rally in Taiwan in September 2006.

Borealis III is currently in storage on the University of Minnesota campus.

Centaurus I

Centaurus I featured several major design adjustments from both previous series of cars. Due to a change in the North American Solar Challenge rules for 2008 requiring the driver to sit upright, the team was faced with the task of allowing the driver to do this while still minimizing aerodynamic drag. Many design components were reworked to fit the new style of vehicle and improve performance.

Centaurus I is currently in storage at Professor Marple's farm.

A video of how University of Minnesota students built Centaurus I is available on the University of Minnesota web site.

Centaurus II

Centaurus II was designed for the 2010 American Solar Challenge. Building off of experience from C1, the team managed to build a much lighter car (389 lbs empty, versus ~440 lbs for C1), as well as decrease the aerodynamic drag by a significant margin. Despite having one of the cheapest solar arrays at the event, the team managed to finish in 2nd place overall.

Centaurus II is currently in storage on the University of Minnesota campus.

Centaurus III

Centaurus III was the culmination of the Centaurus series with improvements in weight and aerodynamics. Designed for the 2012 American Solar Challenge, it was slowed in the middle of the race by faulty thermistors. In 2014 it was renamed Centaurus π and was refitted with a new electrical system and a vinyl wrap for the 2014 American Solar Challenge. There the car realized its full potential by finishing 2nd overall despite having to overcome extensive water damage to the solar car and team equipment before the final day of the Formula Sun Grand Prix qualifying race.

Centaurus III is currently residing in the team's shop being used for testing.


Daedalus marked a drastic design change from the team's previous solar cars. Designed for the new cruiser class in the World Solar Challenge, it was the team's first two-seater car with an emphasis on practicality. The team overcame electrical problems to be in the minority of teams to finish the race without trailering. Daedalus also marked a permanent switch from three-wheeled to four-wheeled solar cars.

Daedalus is currently on display at the PTC (software company) head office.


See also

External links
