University of Glamorgan Union

The University of Glamorgan Students' Union (Glam SU) is the students' union at the University of South Wales (formerly University of Glamorgan), Treforest, Wales, UK. It is often known under its letters UGU. The union is an affiliate of National Union of Students of the United Kingdom and is part of NUS Wales. It offers representation, support and services to all the students of the University of South Wales.


The new Students' Union at Trefforest has many fantastic facilities and services:-


This is a typical week for entertainments within the union:-

NOTE- The Students' Union has a brand new, state-of-the-art Student Union building. Which has been opened since 10 September 2010.

TAG (Treforest. ATRiuM & glyntaff)

TAG is the new student newspaper for the university. It is published 5 or 6 times a year and is run by student volunteers elected each year.


RAG stands for Raising and Giving for all Universities, however the university has put a slight twist to the name 'Raising at Glamorgan'. The group runs events and other fundraising activities to raise money for local and national charities. It is run by students and headed by an elected RAG Chairperson.


The student union has many societites which specialise in interest and hobby opportunities for the students. These societies include:-

Each year, students can start new clubs by contacting the students union

Sports Teams

The union supports a wide variety of sports teams, who are entered annually into BUCS. These include:

Sports Clubs

The Union also supports many sports clubs including:

Each year, students can start new clubs by contacting the students union

The Executive Officers

Day-to-day running of the Union is vested in the executive officers. The current Executive Committee is listed below:

The Executive Committee also represent students at meetings and committees across the university, as well as providing welfare and education advice on a one to one basis.

Executive Officers serve from 1 July to 30 June each year, with elections for post in March of each year. Other elections can be called for the positions at Student council. Bi elections can be called if the positions are not filled. Paid sabbatical officers are limited to two terms of office.

Past presidents

Standing Committees

Each committee consists of a chair and 4 committee members. Each standing committee must meet a minimum of five times a year according to the standing orders. The committee will discuss any issues and where appropriate suggest policy proposals for the chair of the committee to bring to the student council meeting.

Each year there should be a minimum of 5 student council meetings although there are often more. At student council only the chairs of the standing committees, one SVR (student voice representative) from each faculty and the executives having speaking and voting rights, unless the chair uses their discretion to allow a student at the council meeting to speak or if it is an enfranchised student who has proposed the policy proposal. Any enfranchised student may propose or second a policy proposal and then speak on their proposal at student council. All policy proposals must have 10 signatures from enfranchised students who agree with the proposal.

Student council rotates meetings between campuses, starting the academic year at Treforest, then to Atrium, then to Glyntaff, to make student council more accessible to students across all three campuses.


Gandolf the goat

External links