United Nations Security Council Resolution 1142

UN Security Council
Resolution 1142

Macedonia (highlighted) in Europe
Date 4 December 1997
Meeting no. 3,839
Code S/RES/1142 (Document)
Subject The situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Voting summary
15 voted for
None voted against
None abstained
Result Adopted
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members

United Nations Security Council resolution 1142, adopted unanimously on 4 December 1997, after recalling resolutions 1105 (1997) and 1110 (1997), the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP) in Macedonia until 31 August 1998.[1]

The resolution noted that the UNPREDEP mission played an important role in maintaining peace and stability in Macedonia, but was concerned at the situation in Albania, as expressed in resolutions 1101 (1997) and 1114 (1997). Additionally, both Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro were called upon to implement the agreement concerning the demarcation of their common border. It welcomed the phased reduction and restructuring of UNPREDEP troop strength. The Secretary-General Kofi Annan reported some positive developments such as the stabilisation of the situation in Albania, but that peace and stability in Macedonia also depended on developments in other parts of the region.

The Security Council extended UNPREDEP's mandate until 31 August 1998 with the expected withdrawal of the military component thereafter.[2] Finally, Kofi Annan was directed to report on the modalities of the termination of UNPREDEP, the withdrawal of its military component and a future international presence in Macedonia, by 1 June 1998.

See also


  1. "Security Council extends Preventive Force in former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia until 31 August 1998". United Nations. 4 December 1997.
  2. United Nations Dept. of Public Information (1998). UN peacekeeping, 50 years, 1948–1998. United Nations Dept. of Public Information. p. 68.

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