United Cigar Stores Limited

United Cigar Stores Limited is a chain of cigar stores inToronto, Canada. It once included United Cigar Store Agencies, which operated as franchisers of the brand. The red fronted buildings once spotted the Toronto landscape, but have since disappeared. Today, United Cigar Stores is owned by HDS Retail of Toronto.


The following is the primary body copy of an advertisement which ran in "Toronto's 100 Years".

Few institutions have become more inseparably a part of Toronto than have the familiar red fronts of the United Cigar Stores and Agencies.
You see them everywhere. As Toronto's homes spread out over wider and wider areas this great chain of stores brought its services to each new neighborhood.
For years Toronto hasd depended to a remarkable degree on United Cigar Stores and Agencies to fill its varied smoking needs. United responds to that trust with a service that brings fresh new stocks of smoking materials and sundries almost to everyone's door.
