Union of Ukrainians in Pridnestrovie

The Union of Ukrainians in Pridnestrovie is a non-governmental organization based in Transnistria (official shortform name: Pridnestrovie). Its president is Vladimir Bodnar, an ethnic Ukrainian born in Transnistria.

The union is composed of ethnic Ukrainians. It acts as a federation of local clubs and civic organizations of Ukrainians throughout Transnistria. It represents the minority population in conferences abroad, and has secured the support of the Kiev-based World Congress of Ukrainians which publicly declared its readiness to "protect Transnistria's right to independence".

Of the 35 nationalities represented in Transnistria, ethnic Ukrainians make up 28.8 percent.. Along with ethnic Russians (30.3 percent), slavs form a majority of the population in Transnistria.