Unified Information Access

Unified Information Access Platforms are computing platforms that integrate large volumes of unstructured, semi-structured, and structured information into a unified environment for processing, analysis and decision-making. These platforms are highly scalable, hybrid architectures that combine elements of database and search technologies in order to make information access dynamic and ad hoc, while offering the reporting and visualization features commonly found in business intelligence applications. While the vision for such integrated platforms has been around for years, only since 20XX have products been released into the market. Companies like Applied Relevance, Attivio, BA-Insight, Cambridge Semantics, Endeca, Exalead, HP Autonomy, PolySpot, MarkLogic, PerfectSearch, Palantir, TopQuadrant, Sinequa and VirtualWorks have recognized the need for this approach.

Unified access applications:


Susan Feldman, Jul 2009 - Doc # 219467

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