Unfair: The Movie

Unfair: The Movie is a Japanese action movie released on March 17, 2007, directed by Yoshinori Kobayashi, follow up to the drama Unfair, and still starring Ryoko Shinohara in the main role. It's a "Die Hard"-like movie, where the heroine, a police officer, must free her daughter trapped in a hospital taken by terrorists asking for a ransom.


Hard-drinking female detective Yukihira Natsumi (Shinohara) has the best record in the police force, but her independent personality and penchant to not go by the book has alienated her from colleagues, while her obsession with work has already cost her her marriage and custody of her eight-year-old daughter. Natsumi has no time for misgivings when there is crime to be fought. She is forced to reconsider everything she knows, however, when terrorists take over the hospital where her daughter is being treated.[1]



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