The Ultra-Thriller series is a detective/action fiction series published between August 1992 and June 1993 by Archway Paperbacks (an imprint of Simon & Schuster). It was a spin-off of The Hardy Boys Casefiles and the Tom Swift IV series and joined boy inventor Tom Swift with the crime solving Hardy boys, Frank & Joe. Although The Hardy Boys pseudonym, Franklin W. Dixon was used, this series was more akin to the Tom Swift IV series by Victor Appleton.
List of titles
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| Series | | |
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- Extreme Danger
- Running On Fumes
- Boardwalk Bust
- Operation: Survival
- Top Ten Ways to Die
- Martial Law
- Blown Away
- Hurricane Joe
- Trouble in Paradise
- The Mummy's Curse
- Hazed
- Death And Diamonds
- Bayport Buccaneers
- Murder At The Mall
- Pushed
- Foul Play
- Feeding Frenzy
- Comic Con Artist
- Deprivation House (Murder House trilogy)
- Murder House
- Double Trouble (Double Trouble trilogy)
- Galaxy X (Galaxy X trilogy)
- The Children of the Lost (Lost Mystery trilogy)
| Crossovers | |
| Authors | |
| Characters |
- Frank Hardy
- Joe Hardy
- Fenton Hardy
- Laura Hardy
- Vanessa Bender
- Phil Cohen
- Chief Ezra Collig
- Belinda Conrad
- Brian Conrad
- The Gray Man
- Aunt Gertrude
- Biff Hooper
- Chet Morton
- Iola Morton
- Tony Prito
- Callie Shaw
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