Ultan Quigley

Ultan Quigley is a fictional character to whom are attributed four articles published by The Irish Times in 2008 and some more in 2009. The character is described as an Irish poet, playwright and social philosopher born 1956.

The fictional details

According to the fictional articles, Quigley was born in Dublin and educated at Trinity College Dublin. A controversial figure, he has always been regarded as a maverick in literary circles and has often found himself involved in feuds with fellow writers. Now resident in Wicklow, he occasionally writes newspaper columns and is currently finishing a grand narrative poem entitled Poisoning our Own Wells.

The invented books of the Ultan Quigley character

Of course, searches of online bookstores or even the Internet in general confirm that these do not exist.

External links

Articles attributed to Quigley

(Subscription required; only the first two paragraphs are freely available)