UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize
The UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize was created by the Government of the Republic of Korea in 1989. The Prize honours the outstanding contribution made to literacy by Sejong the Great (1397 - 1418/1450) who created the Korean alphabet Hangul.
The prize (consisting of a sum of US$20,000, a silver medal and a certificate) "rewards the activities of governments or governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) displaying merit and achieving particularly effective results in contributing to the promotion of literacy. It gives special consideration to the use and dissemination of mother-tongue languages in developing countries."
Recent Laureates
- Mother Tongue Literacy in the Guera Region programme, Federation of Associations for the Promotion of Guera Languages - Chad
- Saakshar Bharat (Literate India) Mission, National Literacy Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource Development - India
- Directorate of Community Education Development - Indonesia
- National Adult Literacy Programme, Pentecostal Church - Rwanda
- Honourable Mention: Directorate of Literacy and Adult Education - Niger
- National Literacy Service - Burundi
- National Institute for the Education of Adults - Mexico
- Honourable Mention: City Literacy Coordinating Council, Tagum City - Philippines
- Virtual Assisted Literacy Programme, The North Catholic University Foundation, Antioquia - Colombia
- General Directrate of Adult Training - Cape Verde
- Family Literacy Project (FLY) - Hambourg
- Nirantar - India
- Tin Tua - Burkina Faso
- People's Action Forum, Reflect and HIV/AIDS - Zambia
- Honourable Mention: BBC-RAW (Reading and Writing) - UK
- Youth and Adult Literacy and Education Chair of the Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Cuba (IPLAC) - Cuba
- Mother Child Education Foundation - Turkey
- Alfabetização Solidária (AlfaSol)] - Brazil
- The Steering Group of Literacy Education in Qinghai Province - China
- Tembaletu Community Education Centre - South Africa
- International Reflect Circle (CIRAC)
- Regional Centre for Adult Education (ASFEC) - Egypt
- Bunyad Literacy Community Council (BLCC) - Pakistan
See also
- International Literacy Prizes
- International Literacy Day
- United Nations Literacy Decade
- UNESCO Nadezhda K. Krupskaya literacy prize
- UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy
- Noma Literacy Prize