U.S.-Mexico Foundation
The U.S.-Mexico Foundation (USMF) is 501c3 organization, created by the North American Development Bank as originally envisioned under the North American Free Trade Agreement. In 2008, the Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (the National Business Council of Mexico) embarked upon a process to develop the USMF fully, and in February 2009, the USMF formally began operations. Then, in 2010 the USMF helped launch the Mexican-American Leadership Initiative (MALI), which consists of Mexican-American leaders from throughout the United States who are committed to deepening the bi-national relationship.
For the benefit of both the United States and Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico Foundation collaborates bi-nationally to expand opportunity for the people of Mexico. The USMF seeks to benefit both the United States and Mexico by raising awareness about Mexico, as well as the bi-national relationship. The Foundation’s main focus is to stimulate broad social transformation in Mexico through the promotion of civil society organizations and strategic grant-making in the areas of education, health, and economic development.
The USMF is governed by a board of prominent business and civic leaders, with equal representation from Mexico and the United States, who believe that a strong and stable Mexico is in the vital interest of both nations. A founding principle of the Foundation is that a dynamic and growing civil society is an essential condition for a healthy country. To that end, the USMF provides grants for social change to non-governmental organizations working to build capacity in Mexico for civil society. In addition to its grant-making focus, the USMF also serves as an effective bridge for greater bi-national understanding and cooperation between the United States and Mexico. The Foundation operates under the principle of co-responsibility, and is therefore committed to seeking partners and matching funds within Mexico.
The Mexican American Leadership Initiative (MALI)
The Mexican-American Leadership Initiative seeks to promote ways in which Mexican Americans may facilitate more significant engagement between the United States and Mexico, in order to face more effectively the challenges shared by these two countries. As a vital program of the U.S.-Mexico Foundation, the MALI was founded in 2010 and is based on the belief that Americans of Mexican heritage are in a unique position to encourage proactive engagement with Mexico by U.S. society -- its leaders, its institutions, and its citizens.
The MALI is led by a Council composed of Mexican American leaders from across the United States and shares the U.S.–Mexico Foundation’s fundamental objective of helping to strengthen Mexican civil society. Toward this end, the MALI mobilizes support for projects and organizations in Mexico targeted at helping at-risk youth and supporting distressed communities, in particular. In advancing its programs, the MALI is strengthened by the encouragement of numerous U.S. and Mexican officials, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who continues to champion the importance of diaspora philanthropic partnerships.