Typesafe Inc.

Typesafe Inc.
Industry Computer software
Founder Martin Odersky
Jonas Bonér
Headquarters San Francisco, California
Services Distribution and support on the Typesafe Reactive Platform
Website www.typesafe.com

Typesafe is a company founded by Martin Odersky, the creator of the Scala programming language, and Jonas Bonér, the creator of the Akka middleware in 2011. It provides an Open source platform for building Reactive applications for the JVM, consisting of the Play Framework, Akka middleware and Scala programming language—with additional supporting products and development tools such as the Scala IDE for Eclipse,[1] the Slick database query and access library for Scala and the sbt build tool. Typesafe also provides training, consulting and commercial support on the platform.


The company's CEO is Mark Brewer, the Chairman is Martin Odersky and the CTO is Jonas Bonér—Viktor Klang serves as the Chief Architect and Derek Henninger as its Vice President of Engineering.[2]


Typesafe initially raised $3 million for Series A funding from Greylock Partners.[3] Typesafe then raised another $14 million for Series B from Shasta Ventures, Greylock Partners, Juniper Networks and Francois Stieger.[4]


Typesafe leads the following Open source projects:


Typesafe hosts an annual conference called Scala Days[9] which brings together developers from around the world to share their experiences and new ideas around creating applications with Scala.


  1. Darrow, Barb (2011). "Scala sets sights on top-tier status among the Java faithful". gigaom.com. Retrieved September 13, 2013.
  2. "Company Leadership". typesafe.com. 2014. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
  3. Matz, Cade (2011). "Scala daddy wraps his Java baby in Red Hat-ness". theregister.co.uk. Retrieved September 13, 2013.
  4. Rao, Leena (2012). "Typesafe Raises $14M From Shasta, Greylock, And Juniper To Commercialize Scala". techcrunch.com. Retrieved September 13, 2013.
  5. Darrow, Barb (2012). "Typesafe Announces Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit". drdobbs.com. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
  6. Darrow, Barb (2013). "Slick: Functional Relational Mapping for Scala". typesafe.com. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
  7. Darrow, Barb (2011). "Scala IDE for Eclipse". scala-ide.org. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
  8. Darrow, Barb (2013). "Typesafe Activator". typesafe.com. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
  9. "Scala Days 2013". scaladays.org. 2013. Retrieved September 13, 2013.

External links