Type Directors Club

The Type Directors Club (TDC) is an international organization for those devoted to excellence in typography in all its forms. Created in 1946, the organization’s mission is to raise the standards of typography and related fields within the graphic arts. The TDC supports research and education, and disseminates information relating to typography. The TDC supports the industry through a number of programs, including the annual typographic design competition, educational seminars and events, publications, and co-operation with other like-minded organizations. The club supports itself through memberships of type designers, typographers, graphic designers, other industry professionals and students.

TDC produces a design annual that features award-winning typography. The most recent, Typography 35, is designed by Collins.[1]

As of 2015, the president of the Type Directors Club is Matteo Bologna. Roberto de Vicq is vice president. Sean King, Secretary/Treasurer. Graham Clifford is chairman of the board. Carol Wahler is executive director.[2]

Past Presidents include: Frank Powers, Milton Zudeck, Alfred Dickman, Joseph Weiler, James Secrest, Gustave Saelens, Arthur Lee, Martin Connell, Gene Ettenberg, Edward Gottschall, Saadyah Maximom, Louis Lepis, Gerard O'Neill, Zoltan Kiss, Roy Zucca, William Streever, Bonnie Hazelton, Jack Tauss, Klaus Schmidt, John Luke, Jack Odette, Ed Benguiat, Allan Haley, B. Martin Pedersen, Mara Kurtz, Mark Solsburg, Daniel Pelavin, James Montalbano, Gary Munch, Alex W. White, Charles Nix, Diego Vainesman and Graham Clifford.

Type Design Awards

The Type Directors Club Type Design Awards or TDC2 are given annually for excellence in typeface design. The award is generally viewed as being the most prestigious in the field.

Winners by Year

Linotype Syntax winner from 2000
Calibri winner from 2005
Year Winning Typefaces Ref
2000 Arcana Manuscript, Biblon, Blue Island, Cholla Slab, FF Clifford, Costa, Erica Sans, Homemade, Bitstream Kis Cyrillic, Klin, Mexica, Mirra, Diwan Mishafi, Myriad Pro Greek, Nani, Profile, Silentium Pro, Linotype Syntax [3]
2001 ITC Aspera, Basilica, Linotype Conrad, Eplica, Hierarchy, Litteratra, Manuscript, Maya, Preissig, Really, Terminator, Warnock Pro, Zentra [4]
2002 Text: Dreamer DD, Pradell, Whitman; Display: Alphatier, Azuza, Dearest, Globetrotter, ITC Jeepers, Keester, Media Core 3, Woodley Park;

Type System: Brioso Pro, Federal, Rialto, Siemens

2003 Text: Arabic Typesetting, Carlin Script, Gentium, Laurentian; Display: Falafil, ITC Keefbats, Sakkal Seta Pro; Type System: Fontana ND, FF Strada, FTF Morgan, Full Moon Suite, Press Family, Suite, Sauna, ITC Tactile [6]
2004 Text: Ardbeg, Argot, Maiola, Nyala, MS Uighur; Display: Brunn, Buttress, Sava Pro; Type System: Amira, Amplitude, FF Angkoon, Expo Sans, Farnham, Houston, Noam, FF Unit, Zocalo [7]
2005 Text: Fabiol, Minuscule; Display: Bello, Bublik, Bunker, Dolce, Ed Gothic, Ed Script, Elementis, Pirouette, DB SantiPap, Scheck, Shipflat, Shoutenkaku / Shoutenmaru; Type System: FF Absara, Auto, Calibri, Rumba; Ornament: Super-Veloz [8]
2006 Text: Aniene, Adobe Arabic, Calouste, Quixote; Display: Darka, Hogariet, Rayuela Chocolate 2.0, P22 Sweepy; Type System: Frutiger Next Greek, Garamond Premier Pro, Piclig, Relato Sans, Vista Sans; Ornament: FF Headz [9]
2007 Text: Corundum Text, Greta Text, Untitled, EMT Lorena, Midan, Olga, Tisa; Type System: Arno Pro, Beorcana, Fakir, Nassim, Palatino Sans and Palatino Sans Informal, Quiosco, Xtra Sans; Display: Flexion, Manicotti, Peanut, Subtil; Ornament: Gregoria [10]
2008 Text: Al Rajhi, Fondo, Marat, OTS Ethiopic, Palatino Arabic, Vodafone Hindi, Tiina; Type System: Anselm, Gloriola Standard and Display, National, Presidencia; Display: Blaktur, Burgues Script, Fresco Arabic, Logo Jr Black, Mommie, Sable, Slant, Swing, Ventura; Ornament: Restraint [11]
2009 Text: Adios Script, Montague Script, Alda, Copte Scripte; Display: Klimax Bold, Nebulon, Optica Normal, Orbe [12]
2010 Ingeborg, Deliscript, Kazuraki, Urbana Lnd, Joos, Espinosa Nova, Lavigne Display, ITC Legacy Square Serif Pro, Retiro, Narziss, Rieven, Fugu, Ysobel, Rum Black, Aisha, DecoType Nastaliq [13]
2011 Brandon Grotesque, Eames Century Modern, Aero, Palatino Sans Arabic, Tundra, Amalta, Thuraya Regular, Shift, Supria Sans, FF Suhmo, News, Daisy, Matrona, Tabati, Nori, Eventide, Enzian, Elegy, Poem, Eames Poster Numerals [14]
2012 Hipster Script, Chiavari, Balkan, La República, DecoType Ruq‘ah, Sutturah, Mr. Porter, Rekja, Greta Arabic, Harriet, Smidgen, Vibro, FF Mister K Informal [15]
2013 Athena Ruby, JAF Bernini Sans, Karol, The Brill Family, Tegaki, Blanco, Vinter, Days and Nights, FF Chartwell, Baldufa, Iskra, Erotica, Agmena™, Jocham [16]
2014 Sori, Metro Nova, Odesta, Azer, Pizza Press, Columbia Titling, Amplify, Chimera, Mislab, Duplicate Ionic, FF Quixo, Argentina, Ogg, Lalola, DecoType Nastaleeq Press, Venecia, Medusa, Flirt Script, MZhiHei Ultra Bold, Cloud Mountin Type, FREE, Bungee, Marcel Script, Chapitre Regular [17]

TDC Medal

The TDC Medal is awarded to individuals and institutions who have made major contributions to the field of typography.

TDC Medal Winners[18]
Year Winner
1967 Hermann Zapf
1968 R. Hunter Middleton
1971 Frank Powers
1972 Robert Leslie
1975 Edward Rondthaler
1979 Arnold Bank
1982 Georg Trump
1983 Paul Standard
1984 Paul Rand, Herb Lubalin (posthumously)
1985 Aaron Burns
1986 Bradbury Thompson
1987 Adrian Frutiger
1989 Ed Benguiat
1991 Gene Federico
1995 Lou Dorfsman
1997 Rolling Stone magazine, Matthew Carter
1998 Freeman Craw
2000 Günther Gerhard Lange, Colin Brignall
2003 Martin Solomon
2006 Paula Scher
2011 Mike Parker, Erik Spiekermann
2013 Gerrit Noordzij
2014 David Berlow

Notes and references

  1. "TDC Board of Directors".
  2. "TCS Winners 2000". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  3. "TCS Winners 2001". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  4. "TCS Winners 2002". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  5. "TCS Winners 2003". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  6. "TCS Winners 2004". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  7. "TCS Winners 2005". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  8. "TCS Winners 2006". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  9. "TCS Winners 2007". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  10. "TCS Winners 2008". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  11. "TCS Winners 2009". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.
  12. "TCS Winners 2010". Archived from the original on 2012-09-23.
  13. "TCS Winners 2011". Archived from the original on 2012-09-24.
  14. "TCS Typeface Design Winners 2012". Archived from the original on 2012-09-24.
  15. "TCS Winners 2013".
  16. "TCS Winners 2014".
  17. "TDC Medal Winners". Archived from the original on 2012-08-31.

External links