Tyler Volk

Tyler Volk is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at New York University. Volk is an active proponent of the Gaia hypothesis. A 1989 study, co-authored by Volk, published in the journal Nature[1] asserts that without the cooling effects of living things, Earth would be 80 degrees Fahrenheit warmer.[2]

Tyler Volk has authored four books: Gaia Toma Cuerpo (Geografia); Gaia's Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth; What is Death?: A Scientist Looks at the Cycle of Life and Metapatterns.


  1. David W. Schwartzman and Tyler Volk.Biotic enhancement of weathering and the habitability of Earth. Nature, vol 340 (1989), pp. 457460
  2. Eugene Linden.How The Earth Maintains Life. Time Magazine, November 13, 1989. Accessed October 8, 2008.

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