
Tudihui (徒弟会) or Mentuhui, or Narrow Gate (kuangye zhaimen), is a Chinese sect founded in 1989 in Yaoquan, Shaanxi, by a farmer called Li Sanbao (李三保).[1][2]


  1. Daily Report: People's Republic of China United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service - 1995 Page 35 "They also told the peasants that the sect's imprisoned Christian prophet, Li Sanbao, would "mete out justice" the moment he was released."
  2. People's Republic of China, 2000 Page 8 "These include the Huhan Pai (Shouters faction - previously outlawed as "counter revolutionary"), the Mentu Hui (Disciples association), the LinglingJiao (Spirit church) and the Quanfanmian Jiao (the Holistic church)."