Troy Newman (activist)

Troy Newman (born 1966) is an American anti-abortion activist. Born in Anchorage, Alaska, Newman was adopted as an infant and raised in the Southern California area. He is the president of Operation Rescue, known before 2002 as Operation Rescue West, which is currently based in Wichita, Kansas.

Newman became the head of this organization after Jeff White's Operation Rescue California closed due to legal judgements incurred against White. Newman moved his organizational headquarters to Wichita, Kansas. There, Operation Rescue West launched its "Year of Rebuke" campaign in an attempt at publicizing the names of those with political, professional, and social ties to late-term abortion provider George Tiller.

Newman developed the idea of utilizing panel trucks, called the "Truth Truck" fleet, being driven across the United States, covered with graphic billboard-sized images of aborted fetuses to publicize his organization's message.[1]

Newman protested at the execution of Paul Jennings Hill, who murdered Dr. John Britton and Britton's bodyguard James Barrett in 1994. In a Sept 3rd, 2003 press release Newman stated, "There are many examples where taking a life in defense of innocent human beings is legally justified and permissible under the law." [2]

In 2006, according to documents at the Sedgwick County Register of Deeds office, Alison White, purchased the building formerly housing Central Women's Services, an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas.[3] White donated the former clinic to her father's anti-abortion organization, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.[4] Today, the building operates as Operation Rescue's National Headquarters and contains a memorial to aborted fetuses.

On September 11, 2006, the IRS revoked Operation Rescue West's 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt status.[5] Newman's organization now operates under the name "Operation Rescue."

In a news release dated January 29, 2015, the Kansas Republican Assembly listed Troy Newman as treasurer of that organization.

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