Tropical rainforest conservation


Right now, people are conserving the Tropical Rain Forests by ecotourism and rehabilitation. Ecotourism is giving people tours of the forest and showing them what we are losing by cutting them down. We are helping them even more by rebuilding and restarting forests in certain areas.

By speaking with the local people living in, and around, the rainforest, conservationists can learn information that would allow them to best focus their conservation efforts.[1]

Another way conservation has become the most economically beneficial option is through carbon credits. Under the Kyoto Protocol, countries must reduce their emissions of Carbon Dioxide by 5% below the 1990 levels before 2012. Countries can meet their mandatory cuts in emissions by offsetting some of those emissions some other way. Through conservation or reforestation of the rainforest, countries can receive credits.

Some worldwide companies have stated publicly that they won't buy products that come from recently cleared areas of the rainforest ( beef from the rainforests often come from areas where forests have been destroyed. [2]

It's important to conserve the rainforest because many resources for things we use everyday come from the rainforest, including rubber for tires and spices such as cinnamon and many other common items. [3] The rainforest also needs to be conserved because the earth needs trees to take in carbon dioxide. About 1/4 of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from deforestation [4]

See also


  1. Eissing, Stefanie; Amend, Thora (2008). La protección de la naturaleza es divertida: manejo de áreas protegidas y comunicación ambiental : ideas procedentes de Panamá. Eschborn: GTZ. ISBN 978-3-925064-52-4.
  2.; Provided by: Financial Times Information Limited; Index Terms: Agricultural Issues; Company News; Conservation; Environment; General News; Marketing; Greenpeace; Location(s): Brazil; Americas; Latin America; South America; Record Number: 74364647 Copyright 2009 Guardian Newspapers Ltd, Source: The Financial Times Limited
  4.; Section: NEWS; Record Number: 1791858 Copyright: Euclid Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
  1. Streck, Charlotte, and Sebastian M. Scholz. "The Role of Forests in Global Climate Change: Whence We Come and Where We Go." International Affairs 82May 2006 18 May 2007 <>.
  2. Peh, Kelvin, Navjot Sodhi, Johnny De Jong, Cagan Sekercioglu, Charlotte Yap, and Susan Lim. "Conservation Value of Degraded Habitats for Forest Birds in Southern Peninsular Malaysia." Diversity Distributions 12,5,572.Sep 2006 18 May 2007 <>.
  3. Coomes, Oliver, Bradford Barham, and Yoshito Takasaki. "Targeting Conservation- Development Initiatives in Tropical Forests: Insights from Analyses of Rainforest Use and Economic Reliance among Amazonian Peasants." Ecological Economics 51,1-2.01 Nov 2006 47-64. 18 May 2007 <>.
  4. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Michael Kessler, Jan Barkmann, Merijn Bos, Damayanti Buchori, Stefan Erasmi, Heiko Faust, Gerhard Gerold, Klaus Glenk, Robbert Gradstein, Edi Guhardja, Marieke Harteveld, Dietrick Hertel, Patrick Hohn, Martin Kappas, Stefan Köhler, Christoph Leuschner, Miet Maertens, Rainer Marggraf, Sonja Migge-Kleian, Johanis Mogea, Ramadhaniel Pitopang, Matthias Schaefer, Stefan Schwarze, Simone G. Sporn, Andrea Steingrebe, Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Soekisman Tjitrosoemito, André Twele, Robert Weber, Lars Woltmann, Manfred Zeller, and Teja Tscharntke. "Tradeoffs Between Income, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Functioning During Tropical Rainforest Conversion and Agroforestry Intensification." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104,12.14 Mar 2007 4973-4978. 18 May 2007 <>.

Further reading